Page 145 of Ocean of Stars

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“I’ve told you that I feel the same way toward you. It’s normal, Zac.”

“If I’m coming across as jealous, I don’t mean to. I’m not jealous of Graham at all other than he got to see you today and I didn’t.”

“You’re not coming across as jealous. If you were, though, I would’ve told you that there’s nothing to be jealous of when it comes to Graham or any other man. You’re all I see.”

“Same here. Now get back home so I can take you to bed.”

“I’ll be there in three short days.”

“Long days.”

Stevie giggled. “Well, if you can’t wait for me to get back, then you know we can always have FaceTime sex.”

“I may just have to take you up on that.”

“You just let me know when.”

“Okay, tonight.”

“Deal. I’ll text you as soon as I know my dad is out for the night. I can always tell by his snoring.”

“You know what talking about this is already doing to me, right?”

“Yes. It’s doing it to me too but we’re both gonna have to hang on for just a little longer. My dad usually goes to bed by nine.”

“You know Malcolm will be asleep by then.”

“Let’s just hope he doesn’t wake up like he did on Sunday night.”

“You know what?”


“I’m gonna take him for a late swim and really tire him out. I don’t want any interruptions tonight when I see your face and the rest of your beautiful body on my phone screen,” I said, already imaginingallof Stevie.

“Sounds good to me. Go take that boy swimming and I’ll let you know when my dad is asleep.”

“Okay. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Three days later

I woke up before sunrise with Stevie on my mind. I was so excited about her coming back home today and I was also excited about my parents getting to meet her. My mom had asked me if I wanted her to cook dinner for all of us butI suggested snacks instead. Chips, salsa, guacamole or a cold plate of cheese, olives, pickles with crackers. My mom’s usual appetizers that were always filling.

I talked to Bash and he said he’d be waiting for my call for him to come over to watch Malcolm while Stevie and I were at my parents’ house. I’d told Malcolm that his Uncle Bash was coming over to hang out with him because I had to go to my office to do some work and he didn’t question anything other than how soon Bash was coming over. Malcolm loved him. They really were buddies.

To pass the time, I detail-cleaned the entire house, then took Malcolm swimming. Afterward, while he was napping, I checked on Avery’s status and was relieved to see that she was still in Lubbock, at Justin’s residence. The last thing I wanted was for her to show up here while Bash was watching Malcolm. Avery wouldn’t have cared but I knew that things would be tense between her and Bash. He wouldn’t say anything off-color to her because of Malcolm. Regardless, I didn’t want him to be in that tempting position.

Stevie called me when she was an hour away from her house, and then I let Bash know it was time for him to come over to mine. He, Malcolm and I lounged in my living room—Malcolm munching on some more candy that Bash brought him and watching some cartoons on T.V. while stretched out on the floor. As Bash and I sat on the couch discussing one of his cases, I looked at the clock on my wall probably a hundred times because I was so anxious to see Stevie again.

After she’d texted me that she’d made it back safe and sound, I sped all the way to her house and as soon as I saw her standing in her garage, smiling , waiting for me to park my Blazer, I felt the biggest sense of relief. She was the one and only remedy for all that ailed me.

“You are a sight for sore eyes, Sinclair,” I told her as I was getting out of my car. Then I caught the scent of that lotion from Bath & Body Works that she liked to rub onto her skin after showering. “And you smell like a warm sugar cookie again—and I’m about to take a big bite of you!”

She giggled-screamed, then took off running back into her house as I ran after her. I caught up with her in her living room and the two of us went round and round her coffee table until I finally jumped across it, pulled Stevie into my arms and started kissing her. We were all over each other but couldn’t seem to get close enough.

“Do we have time?” she asked, pulling her lips away from mine.

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