Page 10 of Ocean of Stars

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“I’m doing well. Today. Thanks for asking.”

“Is Bash coming?”

“He said he was but who knows what he’ll end up doing.”

“I hope he shows up because I want you both to meet our new teammate.”

“Where’s he from?”

“Sheis from Austin and worked at the D.A.’s office there.”

“Why would anyone wanna leave Austin? It’s the best city in this state and also the most fun.”

Brooke raised an eyebrow at me. “As you know, a shitty marriage can ruin a lot of things for a person and make them feel like starting over somewhere else.”

“So your newbie is divorced then?”

“Yes, she is—and very recently.”

“Well, if I happen to come up against her on a case, I’ll take it easy on her. One time only, though.”

Brooke grinned. “You’re already against her. She got the Ferguson file this afternoon and I’m gonna go ahead and warn you that she’s tough. Really tough. The Austin office calls her ‘Joan of Arc’ and I can’t wait to see her in action against you.”

“I ain’t scared,” I chuckled. “So will your whole crew be joining us on this fine summer evening out here on Mystic Bar’s patio?”

“Yes. They’re all in need of a breather and a strong drink after the week it’s been.”

“Yeah, I’m in need of both too. May I get you something to drink?”

“Thank you, but I’ve already placed my order and so has Joan of Arc—who just so happens to be walking back from the restroom as we speak,” Brooke said, pointing behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and did a double take at the same time my breath caught in my throat. I recognized Dallas’s new assistant district attorney. Last Saturday morning, I’d seen her while I was out taking a run. As I was approaching her on the trail—her coming from one direction and me from the other—her eye contact with me never ceased until after we passed by each other. Once we had, I stopped running altogether and kept watching the stunning woman until she disappeared in the distance.

I turned around to face Brooke’s new teammate directly and smiled at her. She returned it and then came to a standstill a few feet away from me while keeping her deep blue eyes glued to mine.

“Stevie, this is the guy I was telling you about earlier this afternoon. Your new frenemy, Zac Buchanan,” Brooke said. “And Zac, this is Stevie Sinclair—my new assistant D.A.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Stevie,” I said, extending my hand, “and I’m not your enemy in any way. I’m happy to be your friend, though.”

“I saw you at the running trail last Saturday,” she said, firmly shaking my hand.

“I remember seeing you.”

“How long have you been a runner?”

“Since high school. I was in track and cross-country.”

“Same here.”

“How often do you run?”

“Three to four times a week, weather permitting.”

I smiled at her again. “Same here.”

Stevie and I were still holding each other’s hand but the shaking had stopped and her firm grip had loosened. We both looked down at our clasped hands at the same time and then quickly let go of each other.

“What a small world,” Brooke said, looking back and forth at us. “You two come on and sit down. Relax. The waitress will be back in a minute, then you can order that strong drink for yourself, Zac.”

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