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Grandfather informed me that I will be marrying Matthew Keyne after all and I agreed because I have no other options. Matthew is fine, sort of like a boring puppy, or a sad younger brother, but the idea of actually marrying him repulses me. Not because he’s terrible—but because he’s wrong.

He’s not Ford.

But forget Ford. That man doesn’t exist anymore.

None of this is a surprise. I knew it was coming and it still kills me. The only strange thing that has happened in the last few weeks is the quiet from Sara Lynn—I expected her to run to Grandfather and complain about her broken nose, but instead there’s been nothing.

No whining, no complaining, and no bullying.

It’s actually kind of nice and I wish I had punched her in the face a long time ago.

I’m about ready to get up and head inside when my phone starts ringing. I sit up straight and look down at the number and go very still. It’s a number I recognize and one I never expected to see again.

It’s the rehab place Mom was at back when I was still with Ford.

“Hello?” I say.

“Hiya, sweetie.” Mom’s voice. Clear and crisp. I can tell right away that she’s sober. “How are you?”

“Mom!” I jump to my feet as nervous excitement jolts down my spine. “Where are you? What happened? Are you okay?”

“Settle down, hon, I’m fine. You might be surprised to hear that I’m back in rehab.”


“I know, baby, I know, but it’s true. I’ve been here for a few days now. I wanted to get straightened out before I called and, well—here I am.”

“How? Did Grandfather find you? Did he send someone?”

“No, your grandfather didn’t find me,” she says and there’s a short pause. My head’s spinning a million miles a minute. This isdifferent—she’s never, ever checked herself in rehab before, not voluntarily at least. It always took something outside of her control, some horrible event, some minor rock bottom, but this is the first time that she went without someone in the family forcing her to go.

“Mom, I am so, so happy that you’re back in rehab right now, buthow? Grandfather’s not paying for anything, right?”

She clears her throat. “No, he’s not, and if I’m lucky, he never will again.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Sweetie, Ford’s the one that found me and he’s the one paying for all this.”

I stand there and stare at the water. A blow-up giraffe floats across the surface. Slowly, my hand drops away from my ear and my phone dangles at my side.

Ford found her. Ford’s paying.

Horror and elation mix deep in my stomach and I want to vomit.

I thought I was done with him. When I walked out, I assumed our deal was over. But what if he’s still honoring his side? What if he’s taking care of my mother even if I’m not there to keep him in line? Tears spring into my eyes, but those tears are bitter and ugly, tinged with betrayal.

He can’t buy his way back into my life. He can help my mother and I’ll even let him if he thinks it’s a way for him to repent, but I willnotallow myself to be used by him ever again. Things between us are over, and they’re going to stay over.

“Honey? Honey? Can you hear me?”

I raise the phone up to my ear again. “Sorry, yeah, I’m here. I’m just… surprised.”

“He asked me not to say anything, but you have a right to know. Honey, are you really going to marry Matthew Keyne?”

“How do you—” But I stop myself. Ford told her, of course. “Yes, Mom. That’s the plan.”

“Please, sweetie. Don’t do it.”

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