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“Doesn’t matter. Where you see problems, I see opportunity. Grandpop’s not going to be around forever and if I want to secure control of the family, I need a wife. Kat’s single, actively looking to get engaged quickly, and I find her attractive. We can help each other.”

“What else could you possibly need,” Carmine muses.

“We can’t all be as lucky as you and find a Brice back in college.”

“It took me a long time to recognize that I had something with Brice, so don’t think it was easy.”

I sigh miserably and finish my drink. “It still doesn’t matter. She didn’t call, and if she won’t call, I can forget about fucking her and building peace between our families.”

Carmine shrugs and lapses into silence. I order another drink, brooding and glaring at the bottles at the back of the bar like they’re my enemies and I plan on killing them all by pouring them down my throat.

Fucking Kat Stockton. I feel terrible about lying to Carmine about why I need her, but I have no other choice. I know he’d keep my secret and yet I can’t take a risk and fuck this up, not when so much is resting on it. And it’s not completely a lie… well—it’s a lie by omission anyway. It’s got to be her if I’m going to find out some dirt on her family and hurt them for this stupid goddamn feud that Grandpop’s obsessed with.

Fact is, if it weren’t for Grandpop, I wouldn’t care about Kat, not even a little bit, although I’ll admit that I’ve noticed her a few times over the years from a distance, always from a distance, because Kat Stockton is never,everinvolved in the middle of things. She’s always on the edges, always watching like she’s afraid that people will notice her ,and I find that attractive. It’s such a change of pace from all the rich girls obsessing about being in the spotlight, building their Instagram followings, wearing the most recent fashions, looking cool and cultured and smart and whatever. Kat’s all of that stuff, only she doesn’t flaunt it.

But I’ve noticed. It’s the thick, auburn hair, slightly wavy and long, down to her shoulder blades, and her full, pink lips, and her curves, those delicious fucking curves. So many girls in our social world think being heroin-skinny with fake tits hammered on is somehow hot, but Kat’s the real thing. She looks like a goddamngoddess,and I love it more than I thought I would.

I don’t know what’s happening with me right now. I need that girl if Grandpop is going to name me his successor and I have to use her like atool, but I’m having these other thoughts too. Like how good it felt to banter back and forth with her, matching wits with a woman worthy for once instead of just another milquetoast Barbie. Like how badly I wanted her to call me and how disappointed I feel that she hasn’t. Like how incredible it was to kiss her in the back of that cab even if it was the wrong move and scared her shitless.

She tasted like champagne and cherries. I wanted to bask in that kiss and would’ve stayed there making out with her for hours if she hadn’t pushed me away.

I keep thinking about that kiss. Obsessing, detailing, imagining what would’ve happened if she hadn’t stopped it.

Dirty things. Disgusting thing.

I would’ve paid that cabbie a small fortune if he’d let me fuck her in that back seat.

To feel the slow shiver of her spine as she sinks down on my cock and I fill her to the brim.

I would’ve done it too, and not for some game.

For my own desire.

What the hell is wrong with me?

This is a real problem.

I’m going to hurt her. I’m going to destroy her. I can’t think about fucking her, about pleasuring her, aboutenjoyingher.

Except there’s a sharp wit behind those shy eyes and it excites me more than anything I’ve felt in a long, long time.

I have to get it together. I have one goal, and that’s to get engaged with her and use her to ruin her family. I’ve been dreaming of becoming Grandpop’s successor for as long as I’ve been alive and this is finally my chance. This is my real goal, my reason for breathing, it’s absolutely everything to me. I’ll doanythingto get what I want, and it doesn’t matter if I find her attractive and enjoyed kissing her and liked that little flirty conversation.

I will break her if it means finally becoming the true heir.

“I’ve been debating whether to tell you this or not, but you should go take a peek in the dining room,” Carmine says and clears his throat. “Specifically, the far corner.”

“And why would I do that?”

“You’ll find something interesting there. Or, well, you’ll find two someone’s.”

My eyebrows raise. “This is cryptic even for you. Are you about to have me killed?”

Carmine laughs and shrugs. “Maybe. Did you betray me lately?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Then you should be okay.”

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