Page 40 of Fighting Beta

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Olly turned off the recording and nodded. “Yeah. She really doesn’t like uppity betas.”

Benjiro wrapped his arms around her. “Now not telling Fen makes more sense.”

“She can have her omega great-granddaughter when she is old enough to vote. Until then, she belongs to the world.”

Alita nodded. “You already know?”

“The dragon told me, and he was super proud of himself. I don’t think he was lying.”

Erik chuckled. “That is how I came into the world. My father’s beast got my mom pregnant. Those are hard pregnancies, so keep your mate near you. You will need fire regularly.”

“Oh. Good to know. Thank you.”

Alita nodded. “My baby needed that as well, right up until delivery. Pregnancy was the same. If it’s the dragon’s baby, there is more attention required.”

Olly nodded. “Thanks. That’s excellent information. Feng is planning on going out of town. I guess I will have to visit him. Shoot.”

“I can keep up the fire if necessary, but it isn’t a precise match.” Benjiro stroked her hair.

The foals had tottered to their feet, and their mother had cleaned out. They walked to her and started nursing, and she nuzzled each of them.

Olly sighed. “Well, I guess that I have to get going. Keep milk replacer on hand and get their regular vet in here to check them over. Caber is the best authority on these lovely creatures. It has been fun and nice to meet you, Alita, Erik.”

Alita smiled. “I don’t suppose you have any time for coffee or tea or herbal tea one day?”

“Um, I don’t know. I am stuck right now, have impractical clothing, and my normal stuff has gone missing. I can’t even find my wallet.”

“How long have you been with them?”

“Three days?”

Benjiro confirmed. “Three days.”

“Bleah. All I want is a sports bra and some spandex. And sneakers.”

Alita laughed. “Give me your sizes. I will see what I can send you as a thank you.”

Olly rattled them off, and Alita gave her a thumbs-up.

Benjiro lifted her, and she shivered against him. “Fine. I am tired.” She shivered again and leaned against him. “The baby horses were good.”

“I know. I watched you. You are good at that.”

The helicopter blades started to whir, and they were taken up in the air and brought home a few minutes later.

Niko looked at her and said, “May I speak with your alpha, dearest?”

She flipped him off. “Talk to a mirror. It seems your speed.”

He grinned. “Alita likes you. I can see why.”

“You can tell?”

Benjiro smiled. “He can smell. Feng is coming this way, so please calm him down.”

“Why do I have to calm him down?”

“Because I offered to go, he said he would, and I body-slammed him into a wall and followed you.” He kissed her fingers.

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