Page 37 of The Mix-Up

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Colton raised his hand toward my brother. “My name’s Colton Crawford. And you are?”

I turned a weak smile toward Colton. “This is my brother.”

“Marco,” he responded and shook Colton’s hand.

I watched as the two men sized each other up, Marco blatantly looking over at Colton’s expensive car and then his shoes, while Colton stared at the tendons shooting from Marco’s hand to his forearm.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” said Colton. Despite the age difference—Colton was more than ten years older than Marco—he didn’t talk down to him.

“Yes, well, thank you for the ride, but I better get going.” This time, when I nudged Marco, he allowed me to lead him to the door. Although, I still had to drag him by the wrist.

“See you tomorrow, Ava,” said Colton, and climbed back into his car.

“Ava?” Marco asked, staring at me. “Why did he call you Ava? What are you playing at, Frannie?”

My heart stopped, but now was not the time to explain everything to Marco. Colton deserved the truth first. “Nothing. It’s all a misunderstanding that I plan to clear up tomorrow. I promise. Now can we go inside? It’s been a long night.”



The night had grown longer still as I tossed and turned, trying to think of the right words to explain the situation to Colton. I thought the hardest part would be keeping my own feelings in check. I'd never imagined Colton falling for someone like me. Invisible Frannie.

As I dressed and came downstairs, I rehearsed what I would say. “Colton, I only meant to help my brother… I was only supposed to be your assistant… I hadn’t planned to fall in love.”

Marco and Nonna were making breakfast in the kitchen as usual, but it surprised me to find my mother at the table peeling potatoes.

“Mom, what are you doing at home?” I rarely saw either of my parents. They both worked at least two jobs. Sometimes we’d all watch a movie together on the weekend. But we hadn’t done that in quite some time.

“They cut my shift at the restaurant in half. The owner’s granddaughter needs a job to pay for her first car. Says he wants to teach her the value of making money. It’s a good lesson. So, she will take my shifts.”

My mom pursed her lips, as though she held back some emotion, but she never showed it. She was too proud, even to call her boss unfair. “I’ll just check with Mrs. Nguyen and see if she needs a new cleaner for her office,” she continued.

“A third job, mom. Really?” I asked.

“Yes, Francesca. We do what we have to. I’ll have plenty of time to rest when I’m dead.” She had said this to me before. Only this time, her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“I have to go,” I said, grabbing a banana and heading out the door.

“Do you want me to drive you?” asked Marco.

“No. The bus is fine.”

I couldn’t take another moment in front of my mother, knowing I was about to walk away from a job that paid me both of our salaries combined. But it really wasn’t mine to keep. I hoped I’d done enough at work that Colton would consider keeping me on, and perhaps his feelings for me would help, too.

When I reached the office, Erika was on the phone, so I simply waved to her and headed to my desk. Colton had his office door closed, but I saw him pacing back and forth, talking to someone on the phone.

I wanted to get this conversation with Colton over with before I lost the nerve. Turning on my computer, I checked my email, hoping to distract myself while Colton was busy. But no matter how many times I read the first line of an email, my mind wandered to the words I would say to explain everything.

Colton, I didn’t mean for this to happen. No, that wasn’t exactly true.

Colton, funny story… No, he wouldn’t appreciate the humor in this situation.

Colton, I’m so sorry…

A movement caught my attention. Colton hung up the phone and turned toward his laptop. Rising from my desk, I smoothed out my beige skirt and knocked on his door. Lead with the heart, Frances!

“Come in,” he said but continued to stare at his screen.
