Page 22 of The Mix-Up

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The car pulled up onto a gray interlock driveway lined with palm trees. The sprawling white stucco mansion must have been at least four times the size of my detached house. With two large balcony doors at the front, four garages on the side, and two front doors, I wasn’t sure where to look for the entrance to the home.

Colton stepped out of the car first, and I pushed myself to follow, feeling more trepidation now that we were here. Walking up to the front steps, I stared at the steel double doors spanning the length of a car. Where would one even find doors like these?

Punching in a code on a keypad lock, Colton swung open the door. The breeze hit my face and the smell of the salty ocean encircled me. Smaller palm trees decorated the foyer, contrasting against the white walls. But the blue mosaic tile on the floor halted me. It was like walking on water. I hesitantly took a step forward and smiled when I didn’t plunge in.

“This place is incredible, Colton,” I said. He walked to the end of the foyer and opened the glass door, letting the sound of the waves crash in.

“So are you,” he said, walking back to me. “You know, you’re the first person I’ve ever brought here.”

“I am? Why me?”

“Because you didn’t know it existed.”

Funny, he didn’t know I existed either until I stood in his office. Even then, he thought I was someone else.

“What would you like to do?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never been to Miami.”

“Well, what do you like to do in general?” He raised his hand and slid his finger along the side of my face.

“Um. I like to read,” I stammered.

“What else?”

“I don’t know.” I was hesitant to divulge too much of my personal life, but I thought maybe this would be safe. “When I’m home, I usually play cards with my brother and grandmother.”

He smiled. “You play cards?”

“I know. It sounds lame saying it out loud. But my grandmother gets so angry when she loses, it’s quite funny.”

“I don’t think it’s lame at all. I’ve got an idea.”

I tilted my head. “You want to play Uno or something?” I teased.

He smiled. “Not exactly. Why don’t you change for dinner? Then I’ll take you somewhere I think you’ll like.”

My stomach did a tiny flip. The mysterious way he planned our date excited me. I hadn’t liked surprises in a long time. But for some inexplicable reason, I trusted Colton.

“All right. Just give me fifteen minutes.”

He leaned down and kissed my lips. “I’ll be right here waiting.”

I scurried halfway up the stairs and turned. “Where do I go? I might get lost in this place.”

He chuckled and walked with me the rest of the way up and through the hallway. He turned into a bedroom with hardwood floors, a fireplace, and a four-post bed in the center. “The bathroom is just over there,” he said, pointing to a door to the left. Then he closed the bedroom door behind him.

I unzipped my bag and pulled out a black wrap dress I’d brought and my wedge sandals. I freshened up in the bathroom and changed as quickly as I could. Touching up my makeup and spraying down my hair, I readied myself faster than I ever had before. Adrenaline pumped in my veins and my hands shook.

Is this excitement or nerves? Maybe a bit of both.

After applying some red lipstick, I snuck one last look in the mirror and nodded.

You got this, Frances. Don’t be scared.

Sitting on a bench in the foyer, distracted by his phone, Colton didn’t see me walk down the stairs.

“Hi,” I said when I reached the last step.
