Page 8 of The Dating Mishapp

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DanDad007: A few hours. (devil emoji) Takes me a while to recover then I’m ready to go again.

Blood rushes to my face, staining my cheeks red.

Stella214: OMG! The hike! I was talking about the hike!

DanDad007: Couldn’t help myself. You walked right into that one. We usually go for 2 miles a couple of times a week, but a few more on the weekends. When I was in construction, I used to bring him to work and he’d wander around, but now that he’s getting older, he likes to stay on his bed and rest. Lazy dog.

For someone who doesn’t like to text, he sure has a lot to say.

I look over at Diogi resting on his bed and moisture fills my eyes. Only a true dog lover would understand my heart. For a moment, I forget that I’m chatting with the man who is interested in my daughter. Our conversation has been mostly platonic, especially since it’s been about our dogs.

Stella214: Same here. I thought you didn’t like to text.

DanDad007: Same about your dog or being in construction? What do you do? I’m in transition, but I like getting my hands dirty every now and then. I did a tile job a few days ago and then spent twenty minutes in the shower scrubbing black grout off my hands. Next time, I’ll pass on the job. I won’t have much spare time with this new job though. Depends on who’s around.

My body shivers when he mentions getting dirty and showering. What is wrong with me?

Stella214: You’re breaking the rules of this app. No exchange of personal information.

DanDad007: I won’t tell if you don’t.

Stella214: I own a small business. I have a few girls who work for me.

DanDad007: (insert big eye emoji) And what type of work do these girls do for you? Is this legal? Should I call the authorities?

Stella214: Haha! For your information, I own and operate a salon not a brothel. You, sir, have a dirty mind!

The second I hit send, I regret it. I flirted with him when I shouldn’t have. He’s a bad guy. He’s after my daughter and I need to stop this. It’s completely inappropriate!

DanDad007: Guilty as charged. I’m a man; we’re wired that way. ;) And it’s been a while since I’ve been called “Sir.”

This time, my shiver is accompanied by the tightening of my core and an unfamiliar throb. While I may not have had sex in over a year, I watch movies and my Kindle is loaded with romance novels. The implication is not lost on me.

Stella214: Oh, so you’re one of those men? Is that what you’re looking for? A young woman who will bend and yield to your every demand and call you Sir? Good luck with that!

DanDad007: What are you looking for?

I put my phone away, tend to the rest of my clients, and push Tre far from my mind. By 12:30, I find myself walking the aisles of Target, tossing in a few groceries, and a pack of double A batteries. Despite my attempt to forget about my online chat, I’ve been thinking about the man all damn day. This isn’t like me. I think I’m just curious about him since he’s pursuing Kylie. He doesn’t seem like her type of guy; he seems more likemine.

The house is quiet when I unlock the door. A magnet that Kylie made when she was eight secures a note on the refrigerator door, informing me that she’s gone for the night.

I twist my lips, wondering who she’s with. I know she’s an adult and it’s not really my business, but sometimes it’s hard for me to accept that my little girl is now a woman with her own life. I guess it’s time for me to get one, too.

I throw together a Cobb Salad and debate which of my girlfriends to call. It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of them. Whenever we get together, the date must be selected weeks in advance to secure childcare, but even then, someone cancels. Although we’re all the same age, we find ourselves at different stages of life.

After three more episodes of White Collar and a hot shower, I head down to Shamrock to play pool. I'll be in good company if the regular Saturday night crowd is there.

“Look what the cat dragged in!” Lisa yells from behind the bar as I slide onto a stool, hanging my jacket on the back. I roll my eyes playfully and greet her with a smile, raising my hands defensively. “I know! I know! It’s been a long time.”

She pops the cap off a bottle and slides it to me. “You look like you could use some Stella tonight.”

“Do I look that bad?” I take a sip and sigh at the taste. “Kylie did my hair yesterday.” I fluff up the sides, showing off my new cut. “She said the length made me look older, so she cut it all off.”

Lisa laughs. “Yeah, I have to agree with her. I love it.”

I grin as she walks away to pour another drink. “Thanks a lot. Not everyone can pull off leather pants in their fifties.”

“You’re damn right, they can’t!” she hollers back.”

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