Page 8 of Daddy's Laws

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“It’s a fucked-up agreement, and you know it. Or did you skip Pervy Contracts 101 in law school?”

“Pervy or not, you agreed. Tell me where you are and I’ll go easy on you when I get you home.”

“Fuck you.”

When the line went dead, he shook his head and turned into the parking lot of the grocery store. Whistling to himself, he hopped out of the car and headed inside, making a beeline for the produce section.

“A man who buys fresh ginger? Color me intrigued.”

Looking up from the display he was currently contemplating, he found a pretty little brunette studying him with calculated interest. Her rather impressive assets were put on display in a pair of tiny cut off shorts and a crop top that covered less than most bathing suits.

Any other time, he would have happily flirted back, maybe even taken her back to the beach house for a night of fun, meaningless sex.

But he had other, far more interesting plans for the evening, so he just smiled and grabbed the largest chunk of ginger they had.

“What are you cooking?” Either the brunette was more stubborn than he’d given her credit for, or she’d completely missed his disinterest.

“I’m not.”

“Oh.” Her brow crinkled and the corners of her lips dipped down. “Why are you buying so much ginger, then?”

“No offense, sweetheart, but if you can’t imagine any other use for ginger than to put it in your food, then I am definitely not the man for you.”

Leaving her staring at the produce display in confusion, he made his way to the self-checkout. He managed to make it back to his car without any more awkward encounters.

Now all he had to do was find a stubborn, thirty-something blonde at the beach the week before Labor Day.


Think, Monroe.She hadn’t taken her car, so she couldn’t have gone too far. And given where his house was located, there was only one direction to go if she was looking for entertainment.

Lucky for him, traffic was snarled and heavy, so he had plenty of opportunity to sit and scan the crowds for her. While he waited, he called and asked for their pizza to be delivered to the house, including instructions for the driver to leave it on the front porch if nobody was home.

He’d just about decided it was useless looking for her in the sea of humanity around him when he spotted her blonde ponytail bobbing in the crowd. Taller than most women, she stood out, even in the dark.

And not just to him, apparently. Seconds after he’d spotted her, a pair of frat boys came up on either side of her, boxing her in. One of them reached up and tugged at her hair, while the other either pinched or slapped her ass hard enough to make her jump.

A red haze blurred the edges of his vision. Without bothering to find an open space, he parked the car in the middle of the street and flipped his hazards on. Ignoring the blare of horns around him, he cut through the crowd, shoving his way toward her.

He’d almost reached them when it happened. Cool as a cucumber, Shannon rammed an elbow into frat boy number one’s stomach, turned, placed her hands on frat boy number two’s shoulders, and slammed her knee into his crotch.

“Didn’t your mothers teach you to keep your hands to yourselves? Assholes.”

Turning away from her groaning assailants, her eyes met his and she froze. For just a moment, the badass hottie disappeared, and in her place stood a shocked little girl. Her eyes widened, the color left her cheeks, and her lips formed a perfect little ‘O’.

Just as quickly, the badass hottie snapped back into place and she smirked. “Little late to the party, Monroe,” she called out.

Closing the short distance between them in two steps, he slipped his arm around her waist, giving the appearance of two lovers out for a stroll. He leaned down, dropping his voice so only she could hear him. “You’ve been very naughty, princess.”

“You didn’t expect me to make it easy for you, did you?”

A quick glance to the side gave him the opening he needed. Tightening his arm around her waist, he spun them towards the small alleyway behind a row of shops and pressed her against a brick wall.

Her hiss of pain just fueled the need burning inside him. It was that need that drove him to lower his head, capturing her gorgeous, sassy mouth with his own.

Maybe it was the shock of what he’d done, or maybe it was her own need, but she didn’t push him away as he’d half expected. Her arms came up, locking around his neck as she moaned into the kiss.

There was no surrender. No sweet submissive melting at his touch, yielding to his demands. If anything, it was a fight for dominance, all dueling tongues and scraping teeth.

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