Page 7 of Daddy's Laws

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“The contract she, James, and I all signed clearly states that any rentals must be documented on the calendar and a rental agreement must be signed. No exceptions. As far as the law is concerned, you’re squatting.” Not that he had any intention of getting cops and lawyers involved, but she didn’t need to know that.

“So, those are my choices? Let you beat me or leave?”

“First of all, you know the difference between a beating and a spanking. Second, if you behave yourself and follow the rules, you don’t have to worry about getting your pretty little bottom spanked again.”

God, he hoped she didn’t behave herself.

“This is stupid.”

“You can think it’s stupid all you want, as long as you agree.”

Crossing her arms, she huffed, looking exactly like a bratty little girl who hadn’t gotten her way. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to spank her or kiss her, but he knew when to play it safe. Just then, either option was likely to earn him a black eye. “Fine. You win. I’ll follow your stupid rules.”

“Great.” Flashing her a bright smile, he stood and held out a hand to her. “How do you feel about pizza? I’m starving.”

Shock filled her eyes as she looked from his hand back up to him. “You expect me to have dinner with you after you just blackmailed me?”

“I’d hardly call it blackmail. Coercion, maybe, but not blackmail. What do you like on your pizza? It’s a gorgeous night. I was thinking we could go for a bit of a drive before we pick it up.”

“You’re insufferable.”

Unbothered by her assessment, he shrugged. “I know. Pizza toppings. What do you want?”

When she looked up at him, he caught a glimpse of the brat hidden underneath the snark and sophistication. “Veggies. All the veggies.”

“Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug, knowing damn well she didn’t like vegetables on her pizza. “Veggie for you, meat for me. But I’m not sharing.”

“Well, if you’re going to be a dick about it, then load mine up with everything.”

“Works for me. Get changed and I’ll meet you downstairs in fifteen.”

After scooping up the wet clothes he’d dropped on the tile floor of the bedroom, he headed down the hall to one of the smaller rooms. Tangling with a woman like Shannon meant picking his battles and fighting over which bedroom he slept in wasn’t a hill he wanted to die on.

Fifteen minutes later, he was dressed and stretched out on the couch in the living room. Every instinct he had told him she’d take her sweet time getting ready, just to make him wait. Which was absolutely fine by him. Anything that gave him an opportunity to get his hands on her perfect, round ass was a win as far as he was concerned.

But at the forty-five-minute mark, he began to wonder if he’d misjudged her. “Shannon?” he called, pushing off the couch and heading for the stairs. “Are you coming?”


Taking the stairs two at a time, he ran to the master suite. Clothes were scattered about, but she was nowhere to be found.

She must have slipped out the French doors and down the back steps. Oh, the little brat was going to pay for that. Obviously, the spanking she’d gotten earlier hadn’t been enough to convince her how serious he was about his rules.

Time to up the ante.

Turning on his heel, he made his way back down the stairs and out the front door. In the car, he hit the button to dial the cell phone number he’d wheedled out of her months ago.

“Missing me already, Monroe?” The laughter in her voice just made his palm itch all over again.

“Where are you, Shannon?”

“It’s none of your business.”

Temper gave way to something far more primal. A thrill raced through him and despite the trouble she was in, he couldn’t help but grin. “You’re going to regret this, princess.”

“I’m not your princess. And you’re not my Daddy.” Was it his imagination or did her voice go a little breathless toward the end of her declaration?

“Maybe not, but we had an agreement. And you broke that agreement. So, there will be consequences.”

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