Page 79 of Daddy's Laws

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“You don’t scare me, Monroe.”

Oh, she was spoiling for a fight. It was there, blazing in her eyes. In the defiant tilt of her chin. Her entire being practically vibrated with it.

And every fiber of his ached to give her what she so clearly needed. But it was obvious she wasn’t thinking straight, and he had an inkling she would hate them both in the morning if he gave in to her now.

“I think you should go home, Shannon. Come back in the morning if you still want to talk.” Releasing his hold on her, he gently pushed her away.

“Since when are you such a fucking gentleman?”

“Go home, Shannon.”

“Or what?”

Fuck him. A man could only take so much temptation before he broke.“Go home or I’ll put you over my knee and give you the spanking you are so clearly begging for. And I promise you will not enjoy it in the least.”

“You and I both know your promises don’t mean shit.”

Like a flash, his hand was in her hair, yanking her head back and pulling her so close he could practically taste her. “Have it your way then, princess.”

Keeping his hold on her hair, he rounded the couch and sat down, tugging her down over his lap all in one fell swoop. “Tell me to stop, Shannon. Tell me to stop and I’ll let you up and you can go home and we can forget this ever happened.”

But she didn’t tell him to stop. Twisting her torso, she snarled up at him. “Fuck you, Monroe.”

Something in her eyes finally clicked. There, under the fury and the defiance, was a desperation that broke his heart all over again. Maybe she would hate him in the morning. But if this was what she needed, right now, then he would give it to her. Even if it cost him any chance of winning her back in the future.

Letting go of her hair, he pulled her skimpy dress up around her hips, exposing her bare bottom. Where the fuck had she been planning to go dressed like that?

A question for after, he decided, pinning her in place with a hand at the small of her back. He raised his other and brought it down on her backside with a resoundingcrackthat seemed as loud as gunfire in his otherwise silent apartment.

Other than a low hiss, she didn’t respond. Didn’t tell him to go to hell or to get his hands off her. Taking that as a sign he might actually be able to keep his balls intact when this was all over, he repeated the punishment on the opposite cheek.

As the spanking progressed, so did her responses. That quiet hiss became shrieks and shouts, but still no demands for him to stop or release her. Her legs kicked against the couch, but she didn’t actually try to avoid the next spank.

When her bottom was a nice, uniform pink, he paused with his hand resting on her warm skin. “Are you ready to tell me what’s going on with you, little girl?”


All right, then. Again, he lit into her, this time spanking her until his hand couldn’t take another swat and her bottom was a dark rose.

“Ready to talk, baby?”

“Don’t call me that.” Her voice hitched and he instantly felt like an asshole.

What the hell was he doing? This wasn’t going to fix anything for either of them. “Shannon, sit up, sweetheart. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… just sit up so we can talk about this.”

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Then why are you here, picking a fight with me?”

“Because you win, okay?” Shoving up from the couch, she jerked the hem of her dress back into place, glaring daggers at him. “I’ve tried to forget you. Tonight, I tried going to a play party and I met this gorgeous man, but I felt nothing. Because I can’t get you out of my mind or my heart. So I guess you win. Congratulations.”

“Shannon.” Slowly, like one might approach a wounded animal, he rose and cupped her tear-streaked face in his hands. He wondered if she even knew she was crying. “This was never about winning. These past two months—god, baby. I’ve been lost without you.”

“But you gave up.” The accusation was as clear in her voice as it was in her eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“You said you weren’t done fighting for us and then you stopped sending flowers, you stopped texting. You gave up on me, even after you swore you wouldn’t.”

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