Page 78 of Daddy's Laws

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It was painfully obvious the same hadn’t held true for him, however. The first few weeks, he’d been relentless. Sending her flowers, little texts throughout the day, the occasional extravagant gift to remind her he wasn’t giving up on them.

After the first month, however, the gifts stopped coming and the texts dwindled to one or two a day before stopping completely. Obviously, he’d moved on to his next conquest, so why shouldn’t she?

With that thought in mind, she pushed open her car door and stepped into the chilly October night. Maryland was slowly easing itself into winter, and once the sun went down, the temperature dropped right along with it. It didn’t help that her legs were completely bare, nearly up to her freshly waxed pussy.

Brigette, her hostess for the evening, greeted her just inside the front door with a wide smile and open arms. “Shannon! I’m so glad you could join us.”

“Thank you for the invite. Oh!” Pure pleasure filled her at the sight of the newly painted and decorated foyer. “I love this shade of cream. It’s so much warmer than the gray. It feels more like a home now.”

“What a lovely thing to say. We can’t thank you enough for finding this place for us. It truly is our dream home. We’re looking forward to opening the pool up in the summer.”

“I can’t wait.” Slipping her coat from her shoulders, she handed it to a naked girl standing quietly off to the side. Shannon didn’t recognize her, and her stomach tied itself into twin knots of fear and excitement at the prospect of meeting new people.

Brigette, her curvy body poured into a skin-tight dress in stop-light red, led the way to a large living room where a dozen people were gathered, talking and laughing and picking at the hors d'oeuvres being circulated by more naked service submissives.

Linking arms with a reassuring squeeze, Brigette led the way across the room to one of the small groups. With practiced ease, she extracted a tall, polished gentleman from the group. His hair, just long enough to pull back into a sleek ponytail, lent him an air of danger, like he wasn’t quite as prim and polished as he pretended to be.

“Marcus, this is Shannon.”

By the way his eyes lit with interest at the mention of her name, Brigette had been talking her up. Shannon couldn’t decide if she was grateful or annoyed, but she settled on cautiously optimistic when Marcus lifted her hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

“Good evening, little one. Brigette told me you were beautiful, but as usual, she undersold and over delivered.”

“I see her penchant for matchmaking hasn’t waned over the years,” Shannon returned with a smile. Her heart fluttered at the praise, but there was no shock of electricity from his touch, and she nearly wept from the lack.

Cupping her elbow, Marcus guided her over to a corner private enough for a conversation without others eavesdropping. “Tell me about yourself, Shannon.”

It was an order, not a request, one which would normally spark her inner brat. But tonight, she just felt… nothing. No spark, no flush of excitement, not even mild interest.

A fury she’d spent the last two months trying to contain bubbled up inside of her. Swallowing hard against it, she forced an apologetic smile. “Actually, I think I should go. I’m sorry I wasted your time. Will you apologize to Brigette for me?”

Without waiting for a response, she hurried from the room, stopping only long enough to grab her coat from the startled girl in the foyer. Tears blurred her vision, but she was riding too high on her anger to stop or even slow down.

Even though she’d never been there, she had the address stored in her texts. Punching it into the GPS in her car, she shoved the gear shift into drive and peeled out of the driveway.

* * *

Despite the factit was nearly nine at night on a Saturday, Bryant was still sitting in front of his computer, looking for any tiny weakness he could exploit in his current case. But unfortunately, every lead he followed seemed like a dead end.

The sound of someone pounding on his door finally pulled him out of the thankless task. More curious than annoyed, he schooled his features into a scowl and yanked open the door.

“Who the hell—Shannon?”

Standing on the front porch of his townhome, in a curve-hugging dress that looked like it would put all her charms on display if she so much as sneezed, righteous fury etched into her features, she looked like some kind of avenging angel come for blood.

She stalked forward, jabbing a finger into his chest at the same time she slammed the door behind her. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Narrowing his eyes, he barely resisted the urge to grab her. Whether to kiss her or to spank the absolute daylights out of her, he wasn’t sure. “I’m not the one barging into people’s homes unannounced, princess.”

“No, you just take up space in their heads and refuse to leave. I am trying to get over you, Monroe. I am trying to live my life, so why won’t you just fuckingleave me alone?”

The joy that she hadn’t moved on was overshadowed by the fact it was obviously causing her so much pain. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Instead of answering him, she placed both hands on his shoulders and shoved hard enough to have him stumbling backward and crashing into his couch. His own temper flared in response and his hands positively itched to connect with her backside. “Watch it, little girl.”

“Or what?” Defiance flared in her eyes and she reached for him again, only this time he was faster. Catching both of her wrists, he hauled her up against him.

“I think you know what happens to naughty little girls who don’t do as they’re told.”

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