Page 17 of Psycho Professor

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That feeling that things just keep getting weirder by the minute today?

It all comes to a head when Vincent almost casually tells me he just quit teaching. And the run in he just had with his boss and what I assume is his own personal doctor, I’m not sure if it has anything to do with his feelings for me or not.

There should be some fear, even more than just a little doubt in my mind about coming back to his house alone. But even as the front iron gates clang solidly shut behind us, I notice how much safer I feel already.

And Vincent looks like a man who’s left the world and all its problems right at the gate where they belong.

The perfectly raked gravel driveway crunches under our feet, glowing in whiter circles as the garden lighting pulses silently to life. Making me mine and gasp again at just how beautiful the garden is long before I see the house.

“You’re used to privacy, I see…” I mention once we reach yet another gate that Vincent punches a security code into, making me look away so he doesn’t think I'm peeking.

“It’s 2303.” He says as if he's handing out an assignment. Something I need to remember.

I can’t think why I'd need the gate code, but if he is serious about me staying here then I guess it makes sense.

That and the wi-fi password. And directions to the bathrooms in this place, which even from the outside looks deceptively huge for just one guy to live in.

“So you’re all alone here?” I ask, kinda needing to know if there’s gonna be another surprise guest or three. But he ignores the question.

“What’s the pass code? For the gate.” He prompts me, testing my memory and making sure I'm listening.

“2303.” I answer instantly, stifling a little sound once the effect of him barking questions at me and then humming with satisfaction when I answer correctly starts to give me that electric tickle.

That nervous ripple of electricity across my belly mixed with nervous excitement.

Wanting to please him, impress him even. If I ever could. “Ha!” I exclaim, pleased I remembered the pass code, but also pegging that its my birth date. Twenty third March, which I tell him.

“I only changed it recently,” he explains, pressing another keypad while turning a key that sees the gloss black front entrance snap loudly as an electronic lock disengages.

“Get a lot of creepy fans?” I joke, maybe feeling a little apprehensive about the level of security so far but figuring a man like Vincent has to keep firm boundaries from rabid book fans. Or desperate female students…

“Creepy ex-Patients, mostly.” Vincent replies with a knowing sigh, extending his arm in invitation as he holds the door open for me to go inside.

“Although sometimes I wonder if I’m not locking myself in to protect everyone else out there,” he adds, shrugging before he lets the front door snap shut.

The sound of the lock re-activating echoing through the marbled foyer, all the way down a long, dark hall.

I should be wetting my pants with fear by now. Actually locked in behind three doors now and only knowing the code for the middle one…

But it’s kinda turning me on in a strange way. A man like him, keeping me prisoner as some kind of sex slave? Chained to a four poster bed so he can use me as often as he wants, like nonstop for hours even days at a time…?

As a psychology major, I should be examining my own need and motives for yearning to be dominated or even ‘kept’.

As a twenty year old virgin who is locked in the house with a man like Vincent, and a pussy so wet I could polish the floors with it, I’ve never felt so alive or needed to be told what to do so badly in my life.

“C’mon, I’ll show you around.” Vincent says, setting my duffel bag down as if it’s something else he'd rather leave behind. But my eyes widen and I feel a warm shock all over my body when I see just how happy Vincent is to have me over.

I stand glued to the spot, unable to look away from the sight of him standing up straight, right in front of me and actually running the flat of his palm over his enormous erection in his pants.

My pulse sings in my ears and my mouth dries up, every ounce of moisture in my body flooding the space between my legs.

“Violet?” Vincent calls out from down the hall, making my neck jerk. My mind wondering how he could get there so fast. Instantly questioning if he was really just touching himself in front of me or is it just something I imagined.

A projection of the fantasy I’ve had for weeks now, playing out in a way I don't feel I can control anymore now I’m here.

“Coming…” I reply. Clearing my throat and feeling like I’m about to come for real. My legs shaking as I try to walk. My whole sex quivering and pulsing with each step closer to him.

The hallway lights up when Vincent flicks a switch, bathing him in a golden white light and dazzling my eyes.
