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The smirk he gave her was sinful through and through. He nudged her to follow him deeper into the booth, where the seat curved around the table. They were now half-hidden from view of the main room by the table and the partition to the next booth. Concealed enough to not get them noticed easily, exposed enough to make her belly flutter with nerves and excitement.

With a look at her that was pure dare, he rested the arm closest to her on the back of the seat, leaned a bit toward her, and murmured, “Open my pants and take out my cock, love.”

Her blood abuzz with wicked delight, she obeyed and popped the top button on his pants. The head of his dick already strained against the material of his boxers, and she made quick work to free it. The next buttons gave, and his thick length filled her hand, hot and hard, giving her a rush of lust straight to her core.

Tallak groaned low as she stroked him, up and down, slowly at first, then faster, spreading the bead of precum around his tip. His other arm found her neck, pulled her to him for a blistering kiss filled with the force of his need. With the way he framed her now, it would look like both of them were simply lost in a passionate kiss, the jerking motion of her lower arm hidden in the shadows beneath the table.

And still, the fact that she was giving him a hand job in a public place where someone else might see them, it made her thighs clench around newly kindled arousal. The feel of his hard cock in her hand only made it worse. She wanted to have that unforgiving hardness between her legs, filling her so deliciously, pounding in and out…

She moaned into his mouth, her blood afire.

He broke the kiss but stayed close, breathing heavily. “When I say now,” he muttered, his hand tightening on her neck, fingers tangling in her hair, “you’ll lower your head and suck me off.”

“Yes,” she hissed.

Biting his lip, she stroked him faster, harder, anticipation tensing her muscles. His energy coalesced and drew in tight, and then he pulled back a little and ground out, “Now.”

Hazel dove down. Closing her mouth around his cock, she sucked and swirled her tongue while she kept pumping his shaft with her hand. Tallak tensed, uttered a low, deliciously rough moan, and grabbed her hair as his come hit the back of her throat. She sucked and swallowed until the very last drop of his seed was gone.

Licking her lips, she straightened again, her own breath as fast and shallow as his. The expression of utter male satisfaction on his face petted an eager little part of her. Eyes alight with languid pleasure, he pulled her close, laid his hand on her cheek, and stroked his thumb along her lower lip.

“Good girl,” he purred, and something inside her melted into a puddle of pure joy.

He kissed her then, slow and thorough, like its own brand of praise, and she soaked it all up, filling the hollow places inside her that had gone too long without genuine appreciation.

When they broke apart, Tallak lingered with his face just inches from hers, his ember-colored eyes searing in their intensity. He studied her as if every detail of her features was worth noting with the laser-focused attention of an artist trying to assess how to transfer true beauty onto canvas, and something flipped in her stomach. His lips parted, his energy pulsing low, almost urgent, and it seemed he was about to say something that might shatter what was left of the walls she’d once hidden behind.

He closed his mouth, then swallowed, and the moment passed. Leaning back, he fixed his pants and shot her a quick smile.

“I’m going to get us more drinks,” he said, and then he was out of the booth and vanished into the crowd.


Several drinks later, Tallak found himself outside the club with a very trashed, very pissed-off Hazel over his shoulder.

“And don’t come back!” the bouncer yelled before slamming the door shut.

Hazel wriggled on his shoulder, trying to reach back to the door with a snarl. “I’m going to scratch her eyes out!”

“Shhhh, love. No scratchy-scratchy for you tonight.” He patted her ass, then paused. “Except my back maybe. I do like feeling your nails on my skin.”

“Let me dooooown!” She drummed her fists on his upper back, which really was a nice massage. “I wasn’t finished.”

He heaved a sigh and set her down in front of him but held her fast with his hands clamped around her arms, lest she run back into the club.

“Sweetheart,” he said, hunching down a bit to catch her eyes. “As much as I love a good bar brawl and seeing you get all feisty and shit, we just got thrown out of this human club. You can’t go back in there and fuck the place up because then we’ll have to deal with human authorities who will annoy the ever-loving shit out of us both until we snap at some point, and I’ll create a fucking bloodbath while you’ll probably turn them into toads or something.”

Hazel swayed a bit in his hold and sniffed as delicately as her inebriated condition allowed. “Human-animal transformation isn’t something we witches can do.” One side of her mouth tilted up. “But I could give them explosive diarrhea.”

He barked out a laugh. “There’s the spirit. Still—” He pointed a finger in her face. “You need to let this one go.”

“But she said there wasn’t room on the door!”

“What now?”

Her eyes glittered with anger. “That woman. In the bathroom. She said Jack wouldn’t have fit on the door!”

“Who’s Jack? What door?”

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