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“It didn’t help. It made it worse.” When the bluotezzer demon only stared at him blankly, Tallak added with a growl, “I still want her. In fact, I want her even more now.”

Rhun tapped the bar. “Give me a glass of whiskey.”

Tallak glared at him. “Why? You don’t drink.”

“Be a good sport and indulge me.”

Rolling his eyes, Tallak poured him a glass and pushed it over.

Rhun picked it up, swirled the amber liquid, and said, “All right, so tell me again why you’re mad after you managed to finally convince the witch you’ve been lusting after for months to actually agree to fuck your brains out.”

Tallak put both hands on the bar top and leaned forward while Rhun took a sip from his drink. “Because it did fuck all to make me stop wanting her, you twatwaffle.”

With dramatic flair, Rhun spit the drink out over the bar and burst into laughter. Tallak glowered at him as the other demon slapped the bar top and wheezed, laughing, for a good minute, before he wiped at his eyes.

“In what world,” Rhun said with the biggest, most annoying grin, “did you actually think this would work?”

“That was a fucking fine shot of whiskey you just wasted,” Tallak growled.

“Write a eulogy for it.” He shook his head and eyed him. “So now that your not-at-all-naive plan is shot, what are you going to do?”

“Fuck if I know.”

A patron approached the bar, took one look at Tallak’s undoubtedly violent expression, and turned on his heel to stalk back to his table.

Tallak swung his fuming focus back to Rhun, whose mouth twitched just the tiniest bit. “Got any advice, dickwad?”

Rhun shrugged. “Do it again.”

“Right.” Tallak scoffed. “She’ll never agree.”

“Why?” Rhun asked, cracking up with barely held-back laughter again. “Did you do such a bad job?”

Tallak stared at him for a second. Then he planted his fist squarely in Rhun’s face, making the bluotezzer topple over and off the stool. Knuckles stinging from the blow, Tallak shook his hand and watched with grim satisfaction as Rhun picked himself up off the floor and wiped the blood from his nose.

It didn’t wipe the shit-eating grin off his face, however.

“Feel better now?” Rhun asked with a distinctly nasal accent.


“Seriously, though,” Rhun said, taking a seat again and setting his nose straight with a wince, “why do you think she won’t be down for more?”

Busying himself with a fearless patron’s drink order, he didn’t answer right away. “She’ll feel pushed.”

“Then don’t.”

Tallak gave him a consternated look over the beer pump while he filled a glass. “You’re not making any fucking sense.”

Rhun clucked his tongue. “You let her come to you this time. And yes,” he added with a raised finger, “I think she will.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Assuming you didn’t botch it all and make her run screaming from your bed—”

He gritted his teeth. “Would you like me to break your nose again?”

“She’ll have had more fun with you than she had in years,” Rhun continued unperturbed. “And considering all the shit she’s dealing with, an occasional, carefree romp with you will be a treat she can’t resist…especially if you just so happen to casually stay visible and signal that you’re up for an encore.”

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