Page 83 of Priceless Kiss

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He closes the door behind us. “Come here,” he says, beckoning me to meet him by the bed.

I go to him, my heart pounding so loudly in my chest, I’m sure he can hear it.

Sebastian’s eyes sweep over me, satisfied. “Are you nervous?”

I shake my head automatically, but the smile playing on his lips tells me that he knows the truth.

“Don’t be. Arms up,” Sebastian instructs me, and I do as he says. Slowly, he strips my shirt over my head. “You see, this was inevitable. From the moment I saw you at the poker table, I knew, you’d wind up here. In my bed. There was no other outcome on the table.”

“That’s pretty arrogant,” I find my voice, and he smiles, his gaze pouring over my body like the fine whiskey he drinks: slow and sweet, and burning me all the way down.

“You don’t understand, my sweet. When I want something… I won’t stop until it’s mine.” He trails his fingertips over my collarbone, making me shiver.

Making me ache.

Sebastian circles me, leaning in, to murmur in my ear. “I knew I’d break you.”

Anger flashes in my bloodstream, but before I can object, my bra falls away, leaving me half-naked and exposed. My hands come up to cover myself, but Sebastian takes my wrists in one hand, pinning them behind my back.

“You can’t hide from me now, Sparrow,” he murmurs, “I’ve waited so patiently for this moment.” He cups my chin and brings his face so close to mine that I can see the intensity blazing in his eyes. “Now, tell me ‘Yes.’ Tell me you want this. Beg for my cock.”

I clench my jaw closed. Even now, at the last moment, when surrender seems inevitable, a part of me is still trying to hold back. To keep myself from him.

Remember why I’m really here.

“Say it,” Sebastian orders me, seductively soft. “I told you once, I won’t ever force a woman.” His hands trail over my half-naked body, casually sending shivers of pleasure racing through me. “So, either give yourself to me willingly now… Or leave, tonight, and never come back.”

There’s no choice here. My body has already decided for me.

And my heart…

My heart is still set on having its revenge.


My voice comes out a whisper. It cuts me like a betrayal.

“Yes, what?” Sebastian inhales, a sharp breath of anticipation.

“Yes… I belong to you,” I tell him, my voice shaking. “I want… I want you. All of it.Show me.”

Sebastian hisses with satisfaction. “That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, and my knees go weak. “I’ll take care of you. I promise…”

I wait eagerly for oblivion, for the ruthless dominance I know will sweep me up in sensation and blot all these doubts and guilty feelings from my mind.

But Sebastian doesn’t pounce or grab me roughly. With steady hands, he strips my jeans down, and then goes down on his knees to peel my panties off, guiding my legs out of the silky scrap, breath hot on my stomach.

“Look at you…” he growls, “So beautiful. So fucking wet for me.”


I sway, feeling dizzy with desperation. I don’t want him to seduce me. I don’t want gentle, tender words.

I need this to be over with, before…

Before I want it to last.

“Sebastian—” I start, reaching for him, but he ignores my breathless plea.
