Page 11 of Hail Mary

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He chuckles softly, his rough hands caressing the bare skin of my back. “It’s called cuddling, and it’s normal. I’m here for it. Speaking of needy, get ready because you’re going to be seeing a lot of me.”

I pull back and tilt my head. “Well, yes. We’ll be working together.”

“I don’t know what you thought this was, but it wasn’t an indiscretion between coworkers. I meant that when we’re not teaching, and I’m not coaching, you’re going to be seeing me. All the time.”

I’m guessing he has no idea what he’s in for when it comes to football in this town. Playing is one thing, but coaching is another list of headaches. And then, there’s teaching. He is not ready.

I don’t get the chance to explain this, though. Because we both jump to our feet in terror when the door to the classroom creaks open.



“…As I was saying, school begins at 8 a.m. sharp on August 23, so make sure you have your lesson plans uploaded…oh! Patty! I didn’t see you there! I was just finishing off with Beau…I mean, Mr. Fontaine and I were just finishing with orientation.”

For the most part, Mary has pulled herself together, pretending nothing was happening in the closet that we both just strolled out of. I’ve never seen anyone throw on a bra so fast. And it’s good that I’m quick on my feet, or I would have missed the wet spot, courtesy of Mary, on the front of my trousers. I very wisely thought to untuck my shirt to cover it up.

We are intelligent adults and not teenagers.

Mary looks totally normal except for her flushed cheeks and bee-stung lips.

“Ms. Maleczech, what were you doing in the supply closet?”


Like a damn hero, I swoop in. “Oh, I was saying that I would personally be bringing a crap ton of school supplies for any students who can’t afford them. She was showing me the best place to stick the pencils.”

Yeah. I’m feeling pretty proud of myself.

Patty stares at me like I’ve just sprouted a second head, then looks back to Mary. “I see. Well, I just got a call from downstairs.”

“Downstairs?” I ask dumbly.

Mary gasps, covering her mouth and staring up at the wall. I follow her gaze and see she’s looking at the clock.

“Ah shit, it’s five minutes past when I was supposed to report to the AD!” I say.

“Downstairs is what we call the athletic department,” Patty says while I’m rushing to the window, seeing that kids have started to arrive for tryouts.

“I’ll show you the way; it’s down the hall and—” Mary starts to say.

“I’ve got it from here, Ms. Maleczech.” Patty cuts her eyes between Mary and me, then turns on her heels.

I guess I’m supposed to follow her.

I turn and give Mary one last look before I go, and she covers her mouth. “Fix your hair,” she hisses, blushing deep red.

I walk to the door, smoothing my hair down.

I turn back to look at Mary once more. She watches me go, biting her bottom lip and smoothing down the front of her skirt for the tenth time.

I give her a wink, and she shakes her head. “Get it together, coach,” she warns.

Even though I feel like I’m headed to detention, I have a stupid grin on my face all the way down to the athletic department.

“Has the school changed much since you were last here?” Patty asks, making small talk.

“Teachers are cuter,” I blurt. Oh fuck, why did I say that? “Not cute! Not cute at all. Not that you’re not…that’s a very fetching pair of Skechers, Mrs.…Principal Patty… You know how teachers all seem so old when you’re in high school? That’s what I meant. Now that I’m an adult—”
