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“No. Not at all. Just not in his style.”

“Hmm. Well, then, I don’t know why he hasn’t picked his successor yet. Maybe he just doesn’t want to think about retirement too seriously because that might mean he’ll feel useless in his own life.”

Grey thought that sounded like his father. “You’re not wrong there.”

“So your company has a CEO who is reluctant to leave and a son that is reluctant to lead. Interesting.”

“If I knew how the staff would react to different leadership, I might be more vocal. As it is, I have no clue how the older crowd will react to my kind of authority. The younger crowd worries me less because they’re more open-minded.”

“It’s the older dragons you’re worried about.”

“Yeah. Some were working for the company when I was still in diapers. I always expect them to imagine me in my Pampers, giving them orders.”

She giggled. “Wow. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I bet you could rock any boardroom if you gave yourself a chance.”

He shrugged. “I hope you’re right.”

“There’s an easy way to figure out whether you would be good at it or not. This fight between Richard and Jorge? Why don’t you try to fix it?”

Grey laughed. “You really want me to step between two fighting dragons?”

“Not when they’re actually fighting. When they’re calm.”

“I could ask Jorge to play a game of golf, and I’m sure Richard wouldn’t mind a cricket match.”

“Wow. Okay, when you’ve donethat, meet me in the arcade for some actual fun games.”

Grey was surprised that he was laughing again. “Every second thing out of your mouth is amusing.”

“Only every second thing? Sorry. I must be having an off day. Good thing this is my cabana. I can rest and make sure next time we talk, I’m moreamusing.”

“Right.” That hadn’t exactly been a smooth thing to say. “Well, see you around, Kaia.”

“Yup.” She waved her fingers at him before disappearing into her cabana. Grey fought the urge to ask her out for a drink or even a walk on the beach. If he was going to figure out if he wanted to be CEO, he needed to start on his plan to mend the fences between Richard and Jorge.

He didn’t need the funny witch stealing his focus.



Kaia and her friends were enjoying their breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Portia stood on the stoop, a shy smile on her usually confident face. “Morning, ladies. I hope your stay is going well.”

“Are you kidding me?” Kaia laughed. “This place is amazing. I might never leave. You looking for staff?”

“Easy,” Rachel grumbled.

“I love hearing how welcoming my resort is,” Portia said. “Praise my place all you want. But before you do, I do have an …awkwardquestion to ask you.”

Rachel arched a brow. “Yeah? You want us to pay for the upgrade now, isn’t that right?”

“What?” Portia’s hands go to her mouth. “I would never take a gift back like that. No, it’s about the dragons. They’re here on a company retreat, but two of their guests are under the weather this morning. I was wondering if two of your party wouldn’t mind joining their games for the day?”

“Not a chance,” Rachel said, turning back to the inside of the cabana.

“I think we need to do our own bonding.” Kaia felt like she needed to apologize for her sister’s rude behavior. “Thanks for thinking of us.”

“Oh, I’m not the one who thought to ask you. A certain dragon was looking to spend more time with you.”
