Page 40 of The Rule Breaker

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“What does that mean?” I ask, loving the comradery between siblings and hating that Gavin is growing up without a brother or a sister. I’ve just been too afraid, but Liam…he doesn’t make me afraid, which should frighten me all the more if he’s not into me like I’m into him.

“He always had a reason to leave before the dishes were done. He’d make an excuse and slip off to his room to read.”

“I’m beginning to think you were a book nerd, Liam,” I say, and he gives me a look, like he’s trying to gauge how I feel about that. “Not that there is anything wrong with that. I grew up on a farm, not too many kids around, and I lost myself in books all the time.”

“Go,” Sandra says, and points to the patio door. “Go show Gavin and Harper your shrine.”

He laughs. “It’s only a shrine because you don’t want to change it.”

She laughs, a look of pride on her pretty face. “He might be right about that.”

“I can help with the dishes,” I tell her.

“Your first time here, you’re a guest. The second time, we’ll put you to work in the kitchen,” she says with a laugh and as I look at her, and all his family, I can’t help but want to be a part of it and get put to work in the kitchen.

Oh, Harper, why did you have to go and fall for the rule breaker?



I check my phone, and it’s insane how much disappointment sits in my gut when I see Harper hasn’t texted me. Yeah, sure, I’m out with the guys—they wanted to get together for a drink to celebrate my upcoming birthday—sitting at Nelly’s pub, enjoying a couple beers and a few rounds of pool, but the truth is, while I love my team, I really want to be with Harper. She’s become something of an addiction I don’t want to—can’t—quit. A smile I have no control over spreads across my face, and Cole nudges me with the pool cue.

“If you’re done making out with your phone, it’s your turn.”

I tuck my phone away, grab my cue, and take a shot. The ball bounces off the side, and slides into the corner pocket.

“Lucky shot,” my buddy Zander says as he gestures for the waitress. The guys are all enjoying the last days of summer before we all take off for training. They’ve invited me along, and wanted me to bring Harper and Gavin, bu

t I’m not sure. I kind of like our quiet time at home.


For the first time, my big old place feels like a home, with Harper and Gavin filling the silence with laughter and fun. I take another shot and miss, and walk back to Cole. I snatch up my beer and glance around, noticing our audience as I take a long pull. Cason comes from the hallway, and I laugh as he gets stopped a million times. He signs autographs and smiles as his fans take their picture with him. Deciding I too need a trip to the little boys’ room, I set my beer down, pull my hat lower on my head, not that people aren’t going to recognize me, and move past Cason as he charms his fans.

I push open the bathroom door and some guy follows in behind me. I unzip and go about my business, trying not to fidget as the guy stands beside me, close, attending to his own business. I finish up, and make my way to the sink.

“You’re Dalton, right?” he asks, using my last name.

“That’s me,” I say and flash him a bright smile, even though I don’t feel like being ‘on’ right now.

“The one they call the rule breaker.”

“Right again.”

I wash my hands, and he steps up to the sink beside me. “I saw you in the paper the other day.”

I slowly angle my head, and assess the guy beside me. An uneasy feeling prowls through my blood. “Yeah, I was in the paper.”

“The girl you were with.” He snickers. “She’s not your usual type, huh?”

I pull myself up to my full height, and wipe my hands. “She’s a friend,” I say.

Under his breath, he says, “I bet she is.”

I shift to face him straight on. “Do you have something to say?”

“Hell no,” he says and puts his hands up, palms out. “Just saying…”

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