Page 30 of The Rule Breaker

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Oh, maybe because you want more, dude.

Oh shit, I want more.



I take in Liam’s profile as he drives back to Violet’s house for Jason’s party. My heart beats just a little faster in my chest, partly because the party animal just told me he’s going to be the designated driver, and partly because I can’t be photographed with him. I wasn’t about to cause a scene at his place, but I didn’t want him to skip the interview because I was uncomfortable. I mean, any publicity is good publicity for him, right? That gives me pause. Over the last couple of weeks, I saw a softer side to Liam Dalton. A caring, nurturing side that spoke of consideration for others, and not just for himself. The media paints him as a bad ass who cares little about rules, or others. I’m just not seeing that. Is it possible that he’s not really a rule breaker, that he only does that because it’s what’s expected of him?

“You’re awfully quiet,” he says and lightly squeezes my arm, pulling my thoughts back.

“Are you sure you really want to do this?”

Hurt moves across his face. “Don’t you think it’s a little late to be second guessing this?” he asks as he pulls into the driveway. “But if you don’t want me—”

“No, no, it’s not that, Liam,” I say and realize what he must be thinking. I straight up told him I didn’t want to be photographed with him. I didn’t tell him the reason why, and hopefully I never have to, but for a rule breaker who supposedly doesn’t care about much other than hockey, partying and having fun, it’s clear I hurt him on a deeper level. I just really don’t want to get into my past, and what being seen with him could mean. “I want you.”

“You want me?” he asks.

I laugh. “Well yes, I do, but I also want you to meet my friends. I think you’re really going to like them.”

“If they’re friends of yours, then I’m sure I will.” I bite my lip and exhale a groan. “What?” he asks.

“The guys are going to lose their minds when they meet you, and they’ll want to talk hockey and monopolize your time when you’re just trying to relax and—”

“I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” He gives me a playful wink as he kills the ignition. “I’m not their favorite, remember?”

I chuckle. “Yes, but I want you to have a nice time. It can’t always be easy being ‘on’ for a crowd.” I emphasize the word on, because deep down, I’m believing more and more that there are many more layers to this man.

“I can handle myself,” he says to me.

“Later, if you play your cards right, I’d like to handle you too.”

“Better yet, I get to handle you.” He laughs and opens his door, but I like how he turned it around to wanting to touch me. It does the weirdest things to me, makes me feel special. Ridiculous, I know. I’m just one of many women. Or am I? “Do you need me to carry you?”

I roll my ankle. “Maybe later. It seems fine right now.” I carefully exit the big ass truck, and Liam is right there on my side to catch me, but I don’t fall. He takes the cake from me, and I shut the door. The soft thud carries in the quiet night.

“If I carry it in, do you think I can pass it off as mine.”

“You can try, but everyone has tasted my lava cake already, so you’ll have a hard time pulling it off. Actually, let me carry that, because the guys are going to lose their minds and I don’t want you dropping this.”

I take the cake from him and he puts his hand on the small of my back as we walk to the front door, and I like the way he’s always touching me with such caring hands. I balance the cake and I’m about to knock when the door flies open. Violet’s gaze goes back and forth between the two of us and a blush spreads across my face. Dammit, one look and she can tell we’ve been sleeping together. I haven’t divulged that little secret yet, to her or Emma, but tonight, there’s no hiding the truth and I expect an inquisition.

“Liam,” she says. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Harper and Gavin have been keeping you all to themselves.” She gives a playful wag of her brows. “I guess now I know why.”

“Liam, this is Violet. My former best friend.”

Liam laughs and shakes her hand. “Nice to meet you, Violet. I must confess though, it’s me whose been keeping Harper and Gavin to myself. I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I’m not really.”

Violet’s very pleased dark eyes assess Liam as she steps back to make room for us to enter. Laughter comes from the other room, and I assume we’re the last ones here for the dinner party. She nudges me, and gives me a scornful look, one filled with questions like: why didn’t you tell me you were sleeping with him? I make a shushing sound, and we follow her to the kitchen.

“What can I get you guys to drink?”

“Soda for me,” Liam says quickly, and Violet looks at him like he just sprouted a hockey stick from his head. “Designated driver,” he explains.

“How thoughtful,” she says. “Wine for you, Harper?”

I nod and she pours me a generous glass. “Okay, let’s go meet everyone, and I apologize in advance, Liam.”

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