Page 16 of The Rule Breaker

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I just shake my head and finish my coffee. Once we’re done, I scoop up the three pairs of skates. “Ready to go?” I ask.

Gavin stifles a yawn. “Someone is going to sleep well tonight,” I say.

“Yeah, me,” Harper says and puts her hand over her mouth as she yawns. “We were up early today.”

As everyone heads out, we begin to follow, but then Harper stops. “Gavin’s bag,” she says, and turns. She heads back to the bleachers and when she goes to pick it up, she slips on something, her feet going out beneath her, and the next thing I know, she’s flat out on the floor, groaning in agony.

Oh fuck.



Flat out on my back, on the cold rink floor, I bring my leg up, and groan as I wrap my fingers around my ankle. The next thing I know, Liam is right there, kneeling over me, and in that moment, I shut my eyes and pray the ground will open up and swallow me. How freaking embarrassing. I just hope no one else was around to see it.

“Harper, are you okay?” Nina says, as she comes running back, and I put my hand over my face, not wanting anyone to see me like this. As everyone comes rushing back, Gavin takes my hands from my face. He cups my cheeks with his little palms.

“Mommy, are you hurt?”

“Just my pride,” I say, and he crinkles his nose. “I’m okay. I slipped.”

“One of the kids must have spilled their juice,” Nina says as she grabs tissues from her purse and wipes up the liquid. “I’m so sorry.”

“Not your fault. It’s no one’s fault. Just an accident.” I put pressure on my ankle and wince.

“I think we need to get you to emergency.” Liam’s eyes narrow. “You might have broken your ankle.”

I give a fast shake of my head, and the room spins a bit. Damn, do I have a concussion? “I’m sure it’s just sprained.”

“Can I have a look?” Jules asks, and I remember her telling me she was a nurse.

“I think it’s okay.”

She drops down, and checks my eyes. “Does your head hurt?”

“No, I didn’t hit it hard.” With her brows raised, she checks my head, then turns her attention to my foot. “Does it hurt here?” she asks and applies a bit of pressure.

“Yeah a bit.” She does a thorough examination, and sets my foot on her lap.

“I think it’s just sprained.” She looks into my eyes again, checking my pupils a second time. “I’d suggest staying off it for a couple of days.”


“I can’t,” I say quickly, too quickly judging by the curious stares. “I mean, Gavin, he’s busy.” It’s true, he is, but I can’t miss time from work. I have bills to pay, a business to save for.

“Don’t worry about Gavin.” I turn to Liam as he speaks. “I can take care of him.”

“I can’t ask you to do that,” I say quickly.

“You didn’t, and hey, isn’t that what big brothers are for.”

“Big brothers are for giving wedgies and embarrassing you,” Rider says. “Big sisters too.”

As everyone chuckles, Liam holds his hand out to me. “Do you want to try to walk, or do you want me to carry you to the truck?”

“Walk,” I say quickly. Good Lord, I already look the fool. I can’t imagine being carried out of here. I put my hand in his and he carefully lifts me. I set my foot on the floor, and apply a bit of pressure. I do my very best not to wince, but Liam clearly isn’t buying it.

“Okay, that’s it,” he says and scoops me up. Nina takes her son’s hand as well as Gavin’s.

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