Page 15 of The Rule Breaker

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“It’s okay, it was long ago. They were in a bad accident, and well…” She gazes at Gavin. “He was only one. It’s really a shame they never got to know him, and he never got to know them. They would have loved each other.”

I suck in air. That couldn’t have been easy for her, losing both her parents at once. “Do you have siblings?”

“No, just me.” She puts a smile on her face, and claps her hands to redirect and I guess the trip down memory lane is a hard one for her. Since today is about fun, I plan to make sure she has a lot of it, and Gavin too.

“Okay, let’s do this,” she says. Just then Cole comes skating over to us, and when Gavin sees him, his mouth drops open and no sounds come.

“Hey Gavin, want to be on my team?”

“You’re…you’re Cole Cannon,” he says and Cole laughs.

“You can just call me Cole.”

“Mommy,” Gavin says and tugs on Harper’s sweater, or rather my sweater that hangs loose on her small frame. “That’s Cole Cannon.”

“I know. Nice to meet you, Cole,” Harper says and holds her hand out.

“Same,” he says as we shake hands. His sons Brandon and Casey comes skating up to him. Brandon takes off his helmet and gives Gavin a big smile. My God, it’s hard to believe how fast my friend’s kids are growing. I still think of Brandon as a three-year-old, but now he’s seven and Casey is three and a hell of a skater.

“Girls against boys,” Scotty says as he comes over, Daisy right behind him. As the oldest of the crew, she’s the tallest and pretty much the bossiest of all the kids.

“We will not be playing boys against girls.” She puts one gloved hand on her hip. “Girls can play on boys’ teams too, Scotty.” Zander, Daisy’s father, just shakes his head. That guy is in for a world of hurt when she’s a teen.

“That’s right, they can,” Cole’s wife Nina says as she joins the crowd, and after I introduce her to Harper, knowing she and the rest of the women will take Harper under their wing, I say, “Harper, did you know Nina used to be a figure skater?”

“I actually do know,” Harper says as Gavin continues to stand there star-struck, his gaze bobbing between Jonah as he skates over, and Zander. The guys and their families have flown to Seattle from Boston a month ago, and spend their summers in their cottages at Wautauga lake. I put my hand on Gavin’s helmet as he continues to stare.

“I was in figure skating for a year, but I’m not very good at this, and I remember your name. Now you’re a novelist. I have some of your books. A lot of them, actually.”

“Oooh, really?” Nina says, and hooks her arm in Harper’s, and carefully helps her onto the ice. “Tell me which one is your favorite.”

“Be careful with her. I want to return her home in one piece,” I call out.

As the women skate off, I stand there and smile. Harper really is wobbly on skates. Quinn comes skating up to the two and takes Harper’s other arm. I just love my hockey family. I can always count on these guys and their wives. My stomach tightens, because yeah, they need to be able to count on me too, and I need to start by cleaning up my image.

I help Gavin onto the ice and spend a lot of time getting him used to the skates, but unlike his mother, he’s kind of a natural at it. Brandon, Casey, Daisy and Scotty all skate with us, and the girls do a few twirling tricks. Soon enough Rider and his wife Jules and their son Chase show up. Jules isn’t on the ice, considering she’s almost nine months pregnant.

“This is fun,” he says, his smile wide as he glances up at me, and my heart tightens. It’s nice that I can make Gavin this happy. I catch Harper’s smile as the guys and kids and I all pair up for a fun pick-up game. I don’t need to teach Gavin the rules, he already knows them. I’m impressed by that.

We spend the next hour playing and just having fun, and every time I check in on Harper, half the time I find her watching Gavin, the other half her eyes are on me, but every single time, she has a smile on her face. I love seeing her happy like this, and well, I’m man enough to admit I like her eyes on me, too. After a while, the women head off the ice, and Jules and Quinn take off while Nina and Harper stay back. No doubt talking about books and Nina had better not tell Harper that I’ve read some of her romances. All the guys have. It’s our little secret.

As our time at the rink dies down, I skate back over to the girls, Gavin’s hand in mine, and in walks Jules and Quinn with coffee, donuts and juice boxes for all. My gaze falls to Harper, who is still smiling. I like that she likes my friends, that she’s comfortable with them all.

As we dig into the sweets, Harper wobbles around on her skates, and I dart out to the car and grab their shoes. She gives me a grateful smile and changes footwear, and I help Gavin unlace his skates.

“What do you think, Harper?” Nina says. “Want to come?”

“Come where?” I ask.

“Not your business, Liam,” Jules says, waving a dismissive finger my way.

“I remember when I used to like you,” I tease, and she whacks me as Rider grabs me and puts me into a headlock.

“That’s my wife you’re talking to.” The kids all laugh as Rider rubs his knuckles over my head, and I just play along, enjoying the comradery.

“Well, whatever it is you’re planning had better not involve me,” I say as Rider lets me go. I sort of overheard something about a surprise birthday party, and to be honest, I’d just prefer a quiet night alone.

“Oh, please, Liam. The world does not revolve around you,” Nina says.

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