Page 32 of Sinful Claim

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I want to laugh at him, though it would be just as inappropriate as the question itself. Does itfeel okay?It feels like I would walk on all fours and bark like a dog if he told me to. I would do anything for more of this, and all I have to do is stand here and take it. Does that make me lucky?

He begins to pull my panties off as the slight breeze from the air conditioner causes the warmth of his mouth to feel even more delicious and irresistible. With one long drag of his long, he licks me from right between my legs up to my clit, adding just enough pressure to activate the yearning in me.

“Maybe you should sit down, you’re starting to shake,” he comments, once again with a knowing grin on his face.

He wants me to collapse from pleasure, and he’s going to do everything he can to make sure it happens.

“Well, I’m sure I can get it under control,” I lie. I can already feel myself giving out, but I’m far too invested in proving him wrong now.

When he begins to suck on my clit lightly, that’s when I know I’m in trouble.

We’ve only had sex once, but he’s so adept at eating my pussy that he could probably make me cum even if he chose to pull back half of the intensity of his kisses. Maybe he’s trying to see how easy it is for him to make me orgasm, or perhaps me made a reservation. Still, my confidence in my ability to remain standing is waning considerably.

He slows down, keeping the same pressure as he moves his tongue along my slit.

The cold from the air vent is flowing over my skin again, making me shiver at the contrast of the heat of my blood underneath it. I’m desperate to feel how intensely I’ll cum knowing how I’ve been deprived of oral sex for the last few years of my relationship with Cody. It’s been so long since I was able to cum in a man’s mouth that the outcome is less predictable than I’d like for it to be.

He swirls his tongue around my clit again, emphasizing the pressure as he licks upward. As soon as I feel him begin to kiss me again, I can feel my orgasm approaching the surface of my skin.

It’s never been this easy to make me cum before, but I welcome the sensation with open arms. I feel liberated that I even get to experience such a thing once in my life after so many disappointing experiences with other men. They’re always so overconfident and perform so poorly that I’ve wondered if sex as a concept had been sold to me. But now, I’m living right in the middle of the sweetest part of it.

Once he realizes that he’s found the point of no return, he steadies his pace and continues rather than speeding up like the rest of them do. He knows how to make a woman cum, and a flash of intense jealousy shoots through me for a moment before I realize that I’m going to orgasm any second.

Perhaps it was the jealousy that sent me over the edge, but I jump from it into a freefall of pure sublime ecstasy. I moan out loud without any hint of shame or self-consciousness. Aleksander continues to suck my clit, increasing the intensity to drive my orgasm forward into depths that no man had ever attempted before.

I’m panting hard now, leaning up against the wall behind me as my knees threaten to give out from under me. He senses this, holding me steady as I catch my breath.

We’re suspended in silence for a moment as the sparks from low blood pressure clear from my vision. He rises to meet my face, kissing me again with my essence on his mouth.

“If you can be patient, maybe you can have more after dinner.”



The restaurant we chose to come to tonight is one of the only fine dining establishments within five miles of here, and I didn’t feel like getting a limo or a cab to go any further than that. Deviating from our location feels risky even if the possibility of Grisha finding us is slim to none. I’d rather just stay in until this whole thing blows over, but I know that Faye has been getting anxious about being kept inside all the time.

She’s been acting a bit weird today, so I’m hoping that she’ll relax a bit now that I’ve eaten her pussy. I haven’t ever heard a woman moan like that, not even when I was fucking her, so I at least know that she appreciated the release.

The interior of the restaurant is dark, just as most five-star restaurants prefer to be. It’s a bit of a cliché at this point, to be honest, but it’s also a risk for visibility. If someone here happened to be looking for us, they would be able to spot us relatively easily while we had no idea they were even here. The shadows all over the place set a nice ambiance for an anniversary dinner or an engagement party, but I feel like I could be walking into a trap.

I hate how on edge I’ve been since we got to the city. Faye can sense it, and I know she wants to help, but she just can’t. She doesn’t know how, and even if she did, she doesn’t have the means. I’ve lost way too much money from having my shipment stolen by the DEA, and I still haven’t figured out how to recoup my losses.

At least I have this dinner date with Faye.

She’s thrilled by the architecture of this part of the city, and I bet she feels like she’s in a movie of some kind. In a way, this whole situation does feel pretty cinematic, but she’s lucky enough that she doesn’t need to focus on any of the details. She gets to be along for the ride, and I doubt she would have had the chance to do anything remotely as interesting if she’d never met me.

Still, I feel somewhat responsible for how traumatized she is. She wasn’t supposed to watch those men get shot in her hotel room that night, and I doubt she’s mentally equipped to handle being questioned by the police when they inevitably find her.

When we’re seated at a table near a large window, I do a quick scan of the room to see if I can find anyone suspicious. One of the benefits of hiding out in an Asian country is that I can spot foreigners very easily, unlike in European countries. People always say that they can spot the difference between a Russian and a Polish person, but I think they’re full of shit. Even I can’t tell the difference.

I’m glad that I chose to scan the room, because I see another white man on the other side of the dining area. He doesn’t necessarily look familiar, but he’s certainly not a local and I can’t risk being wrong about this.

I watch him closely for about ten minutes, and I realize that he’s by himself. He has one place set at the table, and nobody shows up to meet him. It’s already weird to go to a restaurant by yourself, and the surrounding circumstances make his presence suspicious at the very least.

“I’ve never had wagyu beef. Is it really as good as everyone says it is? Or is it just another gimmick?” Faye asks as she glances over the menu. Fortunately for her, she can read the options. I’m left to fend for myself.

“I’ve had it. It’s pretty damn good, but I wouldn’t give it nearly as much credit as everyone else does,” I reply, watching the man over Faye’s shoulder. She’s in the perfect place for me to speak with her while also keeping an eye on him. He hasn’t tried moving tables yet, so he must not have noticed that I’ve been spying on him.
