Page 64 of Darkest Retribution

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“I... I don’t know, honey.”

Hugging Rosie tighter, I hold back my own tears. I hate seeing her like this. And however pissed at David I may be, it reminds me of why I can’t kill him. Even though he’s never around, Rosie still loves him. I can’t take her father away from her. Not that permanently.

Just like you can’t take Dom’s brother away from him.

As Rosie sobs in my lap, a plan forms in my head. It’s not my brightest one, that’s for sure. And it’s definitely a little desperate. But it’s the best I can manage given the situation.

I can’t put Rosie in harm’s way, but I can’t hurt Dom, either.

The only option left is to run.

. . .

Almost immediately after dinner, I give Rosie a bath and put her to bed. She’s emotionally drained, and I’m sure she didn’t get enough sleep last night, either. Thankfully, she goes down without much of a fight.

Once she’s sound asleep, I head to my room and grab the box from under my bed. There, tucked into one of the corners, is an old sticky note with a phone number scribbled onto it.

I’m typing in the numbers and hitting the call button before I can talk myself out of it. I have enough to pay her fees, but nothing to cover living expenses once we’re safe. It’s not ideal, but it’ll have to do. I can’t wait any longer.

“Jade,” Sparrow says once she’s picked up. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you for another month or two.”

“Plans changed. I need the full package, for me and Rosie. You still have our pictures and everything?”

“Of course. Full package, got it. Rushed?”

I squeeze my eyes shut.Yes.“I don’t have the money to pay for a rush fee.”

“Hmm.” She pauses for a second, and I can imagine her taking a long drag from her cigarette. “You two gonna survive if Idon’trush?”

My heart squeezes. Sparrow knows some about my situation—just enough to convince her to take me on as a client. I didn’t want to tell her anything, but now it may be working for my benefit. “I can’t guarantee that we’ll make it out, no.”

“Well, you’re in luck, because I’ve recently found myself with some extra free time this week. Just give me a couple days, gorgeous. I’ll get everything worked out.”

For the third time today, I find myself blinking back tears. “Sparrow, thank you so much. I owe you one.”

She chuckles. “Oh, I know. Keep an eye on your phone. I’ll be contacting you soon.”

The line goes dead, and I sag onto the bed, sighing with relief. Sparrow can get me and Rosie everything we need. New identities, a new city, newlives.Ones where we’ll be free of David, forever.

That’s right. I need to text him.

I grab my phone again, typing out a quick text.

Jade:I need a few more days.

Stupid Face:Seriously?

Jade:I’m sorry. My first plan didn’t work. He’s not opening up easily.

Stupid Face:Typical. You’re not good at thinking.

Jade:I’m doing the best I can. Just give me more time, and I’ll get you what you need.

Stupid Face:You have until the end of the week.

“I can think just fine, you piece of shit,” I mutter.

I toss my phone onto my nightstand, close up the box, and slide it under my bed. It’s barely seven, but I’m exhausted. Maybe I should go to bed early, too.

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