Page 38 of Darkest Retribution

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“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Garrett turns to me, jerking his head in Dom’s direction. “College buddies. Had a lot of fun together.”

Chelsea shifts nervously, like that’s not the whole story, and maybe—maybe—I feel a slight tinge of jealousy as well.

“What’re you doing here?” Dom says to me, flattening his hand on my back. I have to fight myself from leaning into it. “I didn’t realize you knew any of these people.”

“Oh, I’m Mike’s date. He asked me to come with him. Couldn’t resist his charm.” I say it with a light laugh at the end, and Mike follows it with a chuckle.

Should I specify that I’m not here asthatkind of date? Probably. I’ve told everyone else that Mike and I aren’t dating, we’re just friends. But I want to see Dom’s reaction.

Maybe Idowant to be the center of a jealousy-fueled pissing match. Even if there isn’t any jealousy on Mike’s side.

Mike throws me a wink and a sly grin that tells me he knows exactly what I’m doing. Dominic, however, hasn’t figured it out. The man looks like he’s about to explode, which I find slightly amusing.

Am I attracted to him? Absolutely. But he has absolutely no rights to me. And, therefore, no right to be jealous.

Yet I find myself leaning into Mike. “Chelsea and Garrett were just telling us about how he proposed. So sweet.”

“Oh, right. Congrats on the engagement.”

Chelsea shifts nervously, her gaze flitting from Dom to Garrett. “It was such a coincidence that—”

“Don’t, Chelsea,” Dom says, not even trying to hide the irritation in his voice. “You’re a terrible liar. I knew from day one that you were just using me to get to him.”

Mike’s jaw drops, and I have to work to hide my shock. Chelsea sputters, her eyes widening, but Garrett just smirks, like he knew this, too.

Just then, Mike lowers his lips to my ear. “Gotta head to the restrooms. I’ll be back.”

The way he says it confuses me, and I give him a look that says so. He just shakes his head, mutters, “Kids,” and excuses himself.

“A word,” Dominic says tightly. His hand moves from my back to grip my elbow. “In private.”

I don’t have a chance to respond before Dom is dragging me across the room, very much so against my will. I’d refuse, but I’m not about to make a scene in front of all these strangers.

He takes me out an exit that’s opposite the way Mike and I entered. Down a hallway, then another.

“What are you doing?” I hiss as he pulls me around a corner.

Apparently, my question doesn’t warrant a response. He jiggles the knob of a door, but it doesn’t budge. He lets out a frustrated sound, but when he turns to me, his gaze softens. One of his hands moves to cup my face.

Am I pissed? Yes. Should I stop him? Also yes. But then I remember the way he looked at me yesterday. The way he smiled at me.

I know I can’t change the past. And I know I can’t replace her dad. But if I can help Rosie feel more loved, then I refuse to pass up that chance.

My insides absolutely melted when he said that. It’s everything I could ask for in a partner. I just wish it was someone other than him.

Dominic’s palm is warm and rough against my cheek. Even though it’s a terrible idea, I lean into his touch.

I let my eyes flutter closed. There’s no way I can look at him. It’d be too intimate. Too real.

“Jade.” His voice is unsteady as his free arm encircles my waist. I give no resistance as he pulls until my body is flush with his. He’s all hard edges, firm and steady.

It’s just like how we were yesterday, except now Rosie isn’t within earshot. All of the things I felt then come rushing back. I want to press my lips to his and taste him again. I want to bury my face in his chest and forget about the suffocating weight on my shoulders.

“What are you doing?” I say again, this time a barely-there whisper.

“Open your eyes.”

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