Page 102 of Darkest Retribution

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Chapter twenty-three


Ikeepmyhandon Jade’s leg the entire drive. It only takes twenty minutes, but it feels like forever.

Once Felix gives us the final address, Jade and I park one street over. I’m not sure where we are—some upper middle class neighborhood, from the looks of things.

“Let’s go,” I murmur, getting out and quietly shutting the door. I round the car, grabbing Jade’s hand.

We both have our weapons, but it does little to bring a feeling of safety. Jade is David’s sister, though, and from what Felix and Willow said, she’s perfectly capable of defending herself—and more.

I check my phone one last time as an old brick house comes into view. A safe house, maybe? David seems to have multiple.

Felix:David went inside through the garage. What’s our priority?

Dominic:The little girl. We need to get her to safety before we do anything else.

Felix:Got it. Keep an eye out for Willow.

I slip my phone back into my pocket, sighing. For some reason, that woman just can’t work with us as a team. I get that she has it out for David, but we all do. Felix seems to care about her wellbeing—alotif the way he threatened Alex yesterday means anything. But if Willow gets Rosie killed, not even Felix will be able to stop me from what I’ll do.

We meet up with Felix and Willow around the back of the house.

“I’ve counted three men other than David inside,” Felix says lowly. “They don’t look particularly vigilant. I saw two of them drinking at the kitchen table a couple minutes ago.”

“They have no reason to suspect we’re here,” Jade whispers. “They think I’ll cooperate since they have Rosie.” She winces, her grip on my hand tightening. “I just hope this isn’t a mistake.”

“We won’t let anything happen to her,” I murmur.

“All right, here’s the plan,” Felix says, giving Willow a pointed look. “We get inside and split up. Willow, you take the basement. Dom and I will take the first floor. Jade, you go upstairs, and we’ll join you as soon as we can. Remember, try to sneak up on as many of them as you can. Take them outquietly.We want to keep the element of surprise.”

We all nod in agreement. I hate leaving Jade by herself, but when I open my mouth to say something, she presses a finger to my lips.

“I’ll be okay,” she says quietly. “I’m used to working by myself anyway.”

“Fine. But I don’t like this.”

“I know.” She hesitates, just for the briefest of seconds, before kissing me on the cheek.

And then we head inside.

Voices float from somewhere in the house. Jade spots the stairs immediately, giving my hand one last squeeze before she lets go and grips her gun.

I do the same, creeping through the house. Willow gives us a little nod before she slips through the basement door.

When we come across a doorway that looks like it leads into the kitchen, I plaster myself to the wall, inching forward so I don’t make any noise. Felix follows suit behind me.

I risk a peek into the kitchen. Just like Felix said, there are two guys sitting at a table drinking beer and playing cards. That means there’s only one other guy somewhere in the house, plus David, as long as Felix saw everyone.

I’m pretty confident Jade can handle one man by herself. But two? I’ve never seen her in an actual fight before, so I don’t know.

She’ll be fine. You need to focus.

“What’s the plan?” Felix whispers.

There’s shouting upstairs, a mixture of Jade’s voice and a male one that sends cold dread spreading up my back.David.

“I need to get to her as quickly as possible,” I say.

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