Page 14 of Sapphire Scars

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I start walking away, feeling my heart thud painfully against my chest. For a few wild moments, I half-expect him to chase me to the parking lot of the hospital, but when I turn the corner and check over my shoulder, he’s nowhere to be seen.

Sighing with relief, I slow down a little and let myself breathe again. I reach my little Honda with the busted fender and unlock it.

I’m just about to open the door when I see his reflection in the window.

The gasp freezes on my tongue as I whirl around. He’s twice as big suddenly, twice as tall, and ten times as terrifying. Those eyes are an alien blue. Hot and cold at the same time. He hems me in against my car, smelling like vanilla and charcoal.

“W-what are you doing?” I stammer.

“I’m taking you home,” he says brusquely.

“I don’t need a ride—”

“Not your home,” he growls. “Mine.”



Beep. Beep. Beep.

“This is insane,” June whispers as I get behind the wheel and pull out of the parking spot. Her bright hazel eyes are limpid with shock. “You can’t do this. You realize there’s a name for this, right? It’s called kidnapping. It’s illegal. And considering I’m pregnant, you’re kidnapping my baby as well.”

I sigh. She let me put her into my car so easily that for a moment, I thought she might not fight at all. Pity I was wrong.

“Put your seatbelt on,” I tell her as I accelerate. “The car won’t stop bleating until you do.”

Beep. Beep. Beep.Every tone is an icepick in my temple.

“I’m not doing a damn thing until you stop this car and let me out,” she snaps.

I promptly slam the brakes. June screams and braces herself against the dashboard, apparently surprised by how quickly she’s getting what she asked for.

Or so she thought.

I reach over, snag the seatbelt, and buckle her into place. Angry horns blare from behind me, but June’s stare is death itself. It makes me chuckle.

Once she’s secured, I hit the gas and take off, leaving the pissed-off traffic in my wake.

“You’re driving too fast,” she mutters, white-knuckling the edges of her seat.

“Hence the seatbelt.”

“Stop it. You’re going to get us killed.”

“I’m an excellent driver.”

“You’d have to be, wouldn’t you?” she snaps. “Most criminals need to be good at driving the getaway car.”

“I’ve got news for you,medoviy: no one’s following us. And no one’s looking for you.”

“Not true. My brother is coming over today. He’s a big guy, very protective of me, and—”

“Cut the shit,” I growl. “You don’t have a brother.”

June freezes in place as she starts to understand that I know far more about her than she realized. The epiphany seems to shut her up, but I’m not fooled. She may be quiet for the time being, but her eyes remain flush with friction. They keep darting around the car like they’re looking for a weapon.

I’m impressed, to be honest. I didn’t actually expect Adrian’s little kitten to have claws.

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