Page 2 of Cross and Spider

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“I’m sorry, baby,” I murmur, not saying what I’m thinking in the slightest. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No, I’m doing my best to just avoid her,” she replies glumly. “I’m holed up in my bedroom amid mounds of clean laundry, trying to talk myself into actually folding it. Calling you was a way to procrastinate.”

“Well, I’m happy to be of assistance.” I sit on the edge of the bed, willing to just stay on the phone with her for as long as she needs a distraction. “Any other plans for the rest of the day?”

She sighs. “Not today, but my mom is taking me out to lunch tomorrow as aget the fuck outfarewell gesture.”

My jaw tightens. How anyone could think this low of Rosalind is beyond me. She’s nothing but a bright spot, a sunshiny vision. Even when we allowed the students at the school to treat her unforgivably, she still maintained a positive personality, to smile through everything thrown at her. I’m sure that smile was fake most of the time, but she never let it affect her kindness.

I hate that we had to do any of that, that we had to sit by and watch. I know we all made mental notes of every person who taunted her, who touched her, and we’ll make sure they pay in equal measure. We can’t go around ruining every student at Septem Stellae’s lives, but we can make them uncomfortable, the same way they made her uncomfortable. Those that groped her will pay the most.

We’re just biding our time.

Waiting until they’ve grown complacent, and then we’ll strike.

Too bad that doesn’t extend to Gabe, Morgan, and Julie. Even other lesser members of our coven will get off relatively unscathed. As heirs to the elders, it’s our job to protect them. That’s not to say that if they really fuck up, we won’t be able to punish them, but according to our laws, bullying a girl is not grounds for true punishment.

No, we have to be sneaky about it.

I hate that I have to be sneaky about it. Everything in me wants to just beat the shit out of everyone who hurt her and ruin their lives. Maybe kill some of them.

Sometimes having the amount of responsibility we have is a burden. I mean, I’m twenty-two, and I already have my entire freaking life laid out for me. One more year at Septem Stellae, go to work at my dad’s company and in ten years take over as an elder in our coven.

Rosalind is like a breath of fresh air in the stale expectation of my life. There is no way I’m giving her up, no way I’m losing her.

“Where is she taking you out to dinner?”

I can hear her eye roll as she answers, “The fanciest restaurant in town, which really just means that it’s overpriced for a subpar meal. Nothing like I’m sure you’re used to.”

I hum in my throat, my mind ticking away at how I can make this better for her, easier. I need her to feel comfortable and confident. I need to make sure she leaves with us, feeling secure in her relationship with her mother. And, fuck, I need her mother to be okay with Ro’s relationship with us.

I need that so fucking bad.

But what mother wouldn’t like her daughter to be seeing a wealthy man? To know that she’ll be taken care of no matter what. Based on the very limited knowledge I have of Ms. Sweeney, she prefers dating rich men, has been trying to pin one down in Seattle for years.

Wouldn’t she be proud that her daughter had done the same thing, with not just one, butfourrich as Midas assholes who would do anything for her?

I nod to myself. Yeah, she’ll love that. She’ll love that we have ten houses all over the world between the four of us. She’ll love the private jet and helicopters. She’ll love the designer clothes and that Ro won’t want for anything

Ro doesn’t give a shit about all of that, but her mom will.

“What time are you doing that tomorrow?” I ask, making plans in my head.

“Um, I think she said one? Don’t worry, it’ll be enough time for me to get back and pack for when you guys come to pick me up at four. I should just barely manage to fold all my clothes by then, too.” She sounds so forlorn at the idea of folding laundry. Damn, she’s adorable.

“Do you need me to swing by and help with that? I happen to love folding laundry.”And spending time with you. And making you laugh. And seeing you light up a goddamn room.

She chuckles. “As tempting as that is, Carmichael, I don’t really need you fondling all my panties.”

I swear as my erection gets painful, and she giggles, like she knows I’m hard as stone for her right now. “Don’t fucking tease me, Ro. That’s not nice.” My voice is all kinds of hot and bothered. I know it translates down the line.

Any laughter that she had been feeling dies. “Oh, holy penguins. Did that turn you on, Ezra? The thought of my panties is enough to make you hard?”

I groan, palming myself. “Rosalind. Don’t.”

She’s quiet on the other end of the line for a moment, and when she speaks again, her voice is husky. “Where are you right now, Carmichael?”

I glance around. “In the room you’ll be staying in.”

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