Page 22 of Against the Rules

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My hands itch to touch her, to tuck her hair behind her head, to cup her pink cheek, to slide my fingers under her top but we’re in the office and I don’t want anyone to see her the way I see her—flushed, aroused, and ready. “No. You’re my first.”

She gives me a disbelieving look.

“What? I can’t have a first time?”

“Of course you can, but you’re a guy and guys…” She trails off.

“Guys what? Think with their dicks all the time? Maybe some do, but not me. I’ve been building this business since I earned my first penny selling scraps downstate to metal dealers. Once I started hiring people, I felt like I had to make more money because I didn’t want to let any of them down. My time and attention has been focused here.” I tap my desk. “Look, I’m not supposed to say this shit to you while I’m in the office, but I haven’t had anyone before you and I don’t want to have anyone after you. I get that my approach in the beginning may have turned you off, but I’m serious about getting you into my bed.”

“But what happens after?”

“What do you want to happen after?”

“This looks like a serious discussion,” Monica says from the other side of the desk.

Lucky jumps back while I shove my hands in my pockets to keep from grabbing her, which I know is not allowed in the office.

“Yes, I’m asking Lucky how many animals I should adopt.” That seems harmless enough.

“I said two,” Lucky chirps.

“Two is good.” Monica waves her hand. “Speaking of two, come over here and check out these two dogs, Lucky. They’re so cute.”

The two golden dogs that look like a mix between a lab and a poodle are very cute, but it’s an obvious ploy to lure Lucky from my side. Unfortunately, it works so I don’t get a chance to hear her answer about what she wants in the future. Maybe she’s a career woman and doesn’t want to be seen sleeping her way to the top. Maybe she wants us to have a secret relationship, which would really suck, but I’d live with it. I guess the question is how long. I scoop the kittens up and place them in my lap. All I know is that I don’t like being far from Lucky. Her desk should be in here where I can look up and see her face any time I want. I guess the office is going to have to undergo a renovation.

Chapter 18


Everything Finn said earlier plays on a loop in my head. It’s hard to believe that he’s never been with anyone. That would explain why everyone was going crazy over seeing him with a woman. I was in shock when I saw our picture in the paper.

Thank God my hair covered my face. B.J. wasn’t fooled though. She had no problem figuring out it was me. It might have been the fact that she saw me slip in early this morning too. I’m sure she put it all together.

She keeps telling me that this is a bad idea. Reminding me how hard I worked through college to land a job like this. If this blows up in my face I’ll have to quit or he’ll fire me. There is no way I could work with him if we break up. I already have this crazy fascination with him. I’m sure my fall to love wouldn’t take long.

I think I might have even had it before I got here. I’d dug up everything I could find about him. I told myself I was doing research so I could be on top of my game.

It’s why it had shocked the crap out of me that night at the restaurant when he’d said those things to me. That didn’t match anything I’d found on him. In fact, there weren’t any past women in his life based on what I read. But I figured that he was probably discreet about his personal life. I never would have guessed the truth.

“Lucky. Can you take this down to accounting?” Cesar drops a file onto my desk.

“I’ll take care of it.” I grab the file.

“Hey. Who do you think the woman was that Finn threw over his shoulder?” Cesar asks in a hushed tone. I’m sure everyone here is also finding this other side of Finn odd.

“I don’t know.” I shrug, feeling bad that I’m lying to him.

“I don’t think it was the woman that showed up here yesterday. She had long legs. This girl looked short with brown hair.” I stand here not sure what to say. “Ah forget it. I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. I’m happy he’s getting out there. I think it will be good for him.” Cesar goes back to his desk.

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