Page 18 of Against the Rules

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I rock against him, feeling his cock pressed into me right where I need it. I should stop, I really should, but his mouth feels too good. His hands tangle into my hair as he tilts my head so he can kiss me deeper. He takes full control of the kiss. I don’t stop rocking against him. My whole body is buzzing with need and I’m so close.

“Not here.” He breaks the kiss, leaving me breathless.

“Finn.” I can hear the desperation in my own voice. The need is almost unbearable. He leans in, kissing me gently one more time before his fingers reach up to grab a piece of my hair.

“I’ll give you everything you need as soon as we get home, Lucky. But I can’t have anyone else but me hear you come.” My cheeks pinken when I realize what I was doing in the backseat of this taxi.

I slip off his lap back into my own seat. My anger starts to come back. When I’m too close to him I forget my train of thought.

“Why would you go out with a hooker when you’ve been saying you wanted to wife me?”

“I was trying to get your attention.” I turn my head to glare at him. “I think it worked. Why else would you show up to where I was with my date? I put it on the calendar.”

“Stop calling her your date,” I grit out. Yikes. I had no idea I was the jealous type.

“It really wasn’t a date, if we’re getting technical. I hired her to do a job. It worked.” He smiles. I keep on glaring at him. It did. I can’t even dispute that.

“Still. It doesn’t excuse the fact that you know how to get hookers.” I turn, looking out the window.

“Rydell handled it for me. He said I was nuts but that it would work.”

I turn, smacking his chest. “It didn’t work.”

He doesn’t say anything, but I can tell he’s fighting a smile. His one dimple is on full display.

“It will never happen again. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you so mad.” He takes my hand in his. I don’t push him away, but I don’t exactly grab hold of his either.

“Don’t date other people while you’re trying to get in my pants.” I look back out the window because what I just said is absolutely ridiculous. I sound like I’m a crazy person.

“So you’re going to marry me then.” It must be contagious because now he sounds as though he’s the crazy one.

“No, you’re crazy.”

The car falls silent until we pull up to his place. He pays the cab and then helps me out. I don’t fight him as he leads me into his place. I might not marry him, but I could make out with him a little more.

What could that really hurt?

Chapter 15


Is this what it felt like to be a caveman returning to base camp with the body of your enemy draped over your back? Not that Lucky is my enemy, but I feel energized. The first company I took over was the one that put my dad out of business. He was a small-time parts dealer who spent years building up a network of contacts only to have those same people sell him out for a few extra coins. I targeted that venture capitalist, found the weakness, exploited it and swept the rug out from under their feet. It was an amazing feeling but nothing like this. Every part of me is alive and jubilant. I have my woman. I am back in my cave. Hear me roar.

“This is Lucky, Timothy. Lucky, my man Timothy.” I introduce the two as I usher Lucky inside the house. “Anything you want, he can get.”

“Sir.” Timothy nods as if bringing a woman home at odd hours of the night is a normal activity. It’s not. No other woman has been inside this home. I even have a male cleaning crew.

Lucky gives him a small, embarrassed wave. “Hi.”

“You hungry or thirsty?”


She barely looks around at my place. It’s a switch from the way she was practically riding my dick in the back of the taxi. Above her head, I give Timothy the signal to scram and he melts away into the shadows. Lucky doesn’t immediately relax.

“Nervous?” I dip my lips to an interesting hollow in her neck. “Don’t be.” I nudge the pink fabric along her collarbone aside and run my tongue along the ridge. She sags against my back. My fingers find a zipper pull under her arm. I draw it down slowly.

She presses a hand against her side, stopping my progress. “Wait. Not here.”

I’d forgotten we were in the entryway. When I’m with her, I can’t think straight. I scoop her into my arms and charge for the stairs. A small yelp escapes from her lips and her arms fly up to clasp around my neck. In no time, we’re in my bedroom. I attack her dress immediately.

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