Page 17 of Against the Rules

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“What are you doing?” cries Lucky. “Are you all right?” she asks the bouncer, not caring at all about my bruised knuckles.

“He’s fine,” I grunt. I fish a business card out of my pocket and throw it at the dazed man. “Call my office tomorrow for compensation.”

At the base of the stairs, the muscle man who showed us up to the private lounge stretches his arms out to block my exit. “Sir, I need you to put the woman down.”

I hitch Lucky up a bit higher and then tighten my grip around her thighs.

“Feel free to call the police but I’m leaving with my girl. You can either step aside or take a boot in your chest.”

The man hesitates for a second and then moves. I hand him another card. “Call my office with a bill for the damages.” Outside, a taxi pulls up. I practically drag the occupants out, drop Lucky into the backseat and throw several hundreds at the driver. “Park and Sixty-second,” I bark.

The cab driver doesn’t hesitate and the taxi’s wheels squeal as he pulls away from the curb, leaving behind angry bouncers, a confused couple, and the rest of the unimportant world. I turn to Lucky, who hasn’t said a word.


“Many,” she replies.

I stretch out my legs as far as the backseat of this cab allows and fold my arms across my chest. I’ve got all the time in the world now that she’s here with me. “Shoot.”

“Is Park and Sixty-second your home?”


“Why are you taking me there?”

“Because it’s where you belong.”

Chapter 14


I keep my arms folded over my chest because I’m not sure what else to do. He’s actively kidnapping me and I’m not even mad about it. In fact, I’m the complete opposite. I was right about him being crazy. Yet, that doesn’t dull my attraction to him.

“What about your date?” I tilt my chin up. I try not to show my anger or jealousy. I’m not sure that I’m doing a good job hiding it. “You just left her.”

“Who?” He looks confused.

“Your date!” I shout this time. Oops. How can he forget the woman he was with only minutes ago? Is this what I have to look forward to? That thought sours my mood even further.

“Oh. The escort. She’ll be fine. I already paid her.”

“Let me out of this car.” I reach for the door handle. Finn grabs me, doing the complete opposite of what I asked. Instead he pulls me into his lap. I go willingly. I don’t know what it is about this man that makes me crazy. One second I’m mad at him and then he touches me and nothing else matters.

“The car is moving. You’ll hurt yourself.”

“I wasn’t going to jump out. I was going to throw you out.” I try to wiggle out of his lap, but I get nowhere. “Let me go.”

“No.” I gape at him. “Are you mad I was on a date?” He looks almost smug about it.

“I was enjoying my date until you ruined it.” His fingers on my hips dig into them more. My nipples tighten at the jealous look on his face. I feel myself grow wet. This is not the reaction I’m supposed to be having. I’m mad at him. He was out with a hooker. I wonder if that’s all he dates. The way he spoke to me that first night makes me think it is. He’s probably used to buying what he wants and not having to deal with anything real.

“You’re not going out with Kevin. I’ll fire him.”

“You can’t fire anyone,” I point out, remembering the hire and fire process from when he did my orientation.

“I’ll pay him to quit. Everyone has a price.”

“You think that because all you date are hookers.”

“I don’t date hookers.”

I roll my eyes. My bad—he just sleeps with them. “You thought I was a hooker that night we met, didn’t you? That’s why you talked to me that way. It all makes sense now.”

“No, if you were a hooker that would have made things a lot easier.”

I lift my hand to smack him again, but he catches it, his hands wrapping around my wrist. He gives me a little pull and I fall more on top of him, my breasts pushing into his chest.

His eyes drop to my mouth. I lick my lips. “Don’t even think about it,” I warn, but it doesn’t have any conviction behind it.

“It would be worth a smack.” I fight a smile. You’re mad at him, I try to remind myself. He went out with a hooker after he’s been trying to hit on me. Or whatever it is he’s trying to do with me. I’m not even sure at this point. I lick my lips again, my eyes dropping to his.

“Finn.” I breathe his name.

“I would say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do but I’m not.” His mouth comes down onto mine before I can respond. My fingers dig into his shirt. I should be pushing him away, but I only hold on tighter to him. I even part my lips for him, letting his tongue slide into my mouth.

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