Page 15 of Against the Rules

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I click on it and all it says is date. He has a date? How can he have a freakin date! He’s been teasing about me being his wife. Now he’s going out with someone else? And he’s taking her to our restaurant. Okay it’s not our restaurant but it’s where we met. And really it’s the club attached to the restaurant. Still. It was our spot. I can’t believe this.

“Are you okay?” I look up at Cesar, who is staring at me.

“I’m fine.” I force a smile.

“That pen in your hand doesn’t look fine.” I drop the pen that I almost cracked in half.

“Did you update Mr. O’Hare’s calendar?” I’m hoping that maybe he was the one that added the event so that I can try to get some details from him.

“No. Has something changed?” He clicks his mouse to pull it up. “A date?” Cesar looks confused. “He never goes on dates.”

“I guess he took Monica up on her idea of him going out with someone.”

“I guess.” Cesar shakes his head before getting back to work. I watch the minutes pass by wanting to get out of here.

My emotions are everywhere and I don’t understand it. Why do I care if he’s going on a date? I don’t even like him. I’ve slapped him, poured water on him and avoided him. Yet, I somehow feel disappointed and I’m not ready to admit to myself why. I shouldn’t care.

I text B.J to see if she works tonight. I know it’s terrible but she can spy for me. She works in both the club and the restaurant handling VIPs.

“I wonder if that’s her?” I look up at Cesar thinking he must have found a pic or something but then I follow his line of sight. The woman that’s currently standing in the office is breathtaking. She’s tall, probably six foot with long, blond hair. She’s in a pretty black dress and shoes that I’d kill myself in. Looking at her and knowing that she’s here for Finn has me feeling something deep down inside that might resemble jealousy.

She is the total opposite of me in every way. Finn’s door opens before she gets to it. His eyes meet mine but I turn my head, looking away. I have to get out of here. I grab my purse before powering off my computer.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell Cesar as I stand up. Out of the corner of my eye I see that they are still standing at his door. Why can’t they go into his office? Why does he have to shove his date in my face? After his crazy ass said he wanted to marry me. I guess he’s on to the next. That thought has me turning angry.

“Lucky.” I turn to see Kevin heading my way. “Are you out of here?”

“Yeah.” I put my purse on my shoulder.

“You want to grab a drink?” I start to say no but I hear the pretty blonde laugh. What is she laughing at? He’s not even funny. He’s annoying.

“I think I would like to go out for a drink. Let me go home and change first. I know the perfect place we can go. My cousin can get us in.” I know that what I’m doing is crazy, but I can’t help myself.

“Let me get your number.” Kevin pulls out his phone and I ramble off my number. I can swear I feel someone staring at me. I look over my shoulder and Finn jerks his gaze away from me. He steps back into his office, the blonde going with him before the door closes.

My heart drops. This is a bunch of bullshit. I shouldn’t care. I text B.J. back when she tells me she has a fancy place she can get me into tonight.

I’m going to have to raid her closet when I get home. If I am going to do this, I’m going to go all out.

I rush home to find something to wear. It’s not as easy as I thought it would be. I end up back in my own closet grabbing my petal pink dress and slip on my silver flats before I head into the bathroom to touch up my makeup and hair.

“What am I doing?” I ask myself in the mirror. There is no way I can compete with that woman. I’m more mad at myself than anything. I shouldn’t care but the truth is I do care. A lot.

This might be for the best. If Finn can jump from one girl to the next he’ll end up breaking my heart after he gets tired of me. It doesn’t mean that I can’t shove my own date in his face. I know it’s petty, but I don’t care.

What I don’t understand is why he would go to all of that trouble. Practically making a spectacle of himself to get my attention and then just flip a switch and be on to the next. I need to stop obsessing about this. What’s done is done. Well, it will be after I rub my date in his face tonight.

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