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“She’s gorgeous,” Rick whispers. “Just like her mother.”

I laugh quietly.

“Oh Rick, I’m not gorgeous at all. I’m leaking milk at all hours, not to mention my hair’s a mess and I haven’t lost any of the baby weight at all.”

The handsome man frowns, his blue eyes regarding me.

“Yeah, but you look better this way, honey,” he growls. “There’s more of you to love, and besides, there’s no point in taking the weight off when you’re just going to put it on again soon.”

I shoot him a look.

“Why? You know I’m eating a special nutritious diet that’s supposed to help with breastfeeding, but breastfeeding actually makes you lose weight, not gain it.”

My man’s blue eyes sparkle as he kneads my shoulders a bit.

“Yeah I know, but it’s not that,” he says. “No, sweetheart, it’s that I want to knock you up again. I love being a father to Amelia and Evie, and I want another baby. This time, one that we create together,” he growls in a low tone.

My heart soars with joy because truthfully, nothing could make me happier. Of course, Rick and I consider ourselves full parents to both of our girls no matter whom they’re biologically related too, but a third child made of both of us would be so special. I smile with tears in my eyes.

“Oh, I want that too, Rick. That would be wonderful.”

The handsome man’s blue eyes glint devilishly as he leans forward for another kiss.

“So when can we get started?”

I giggle.

“This little girl was just born! Give me a few months at least.”

He grins.

“Okay, one month then. And not a moment longer.”

I laugh because we’ll be having Irish twins at this rate, but Rick looks very determined and my insides tremble hotly. But then he smiles.

“By the way, James and Savannah send their hellos. You know their move to Chicago came just in time because his cooking show is really taking off.”

I nod.

“Yes, and it’s because he was able to film some videos using your kitchen!” I exclaim. “But how are they? How is the Windy City treating them?”

Rick shrugs.

“I think it’s great, or at least that’s what my brother tells me. He was invited to film with the SaraBeth test kitchens, and I hear that his producer’s reached out to Oprah’s team to see if he can get a slot on her talk show. Now that would be crazy, right?”

I giggle.

“It would, but it would be wonderful too. Good for James. I’m so glad things worked out for him and Savannah.”

My boyfriend grins ruefully.

“Yeah, that situation was pretty insane, wasn’t it? I mean, we basically watched as a strange woman fellated my brother in public before doingthatwith her fingers.”

“All in your living room too,” I titter. “It gives new meaning to the expressionmi casa es su casa.”

Rick merely rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, I know, right? I really didn’t need to see that happen, but I guess it’s good that they’ve made up, seeing that they’ll be parents soon.”
