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“Privately owned, similar story to our landlord… Mortgaged past the point of no return and with the recent economic downturn, just another statistic,” Madison informs me.

“So both are ripe for the picking?” I ask aloud, but only for Holly’s benefit.

The head of legal, Samuel Chambers, chimes in. His gravelly old voice like a dinner gong.

“Both have had and responded to our submissions for acquisition… And on the lowest terms of your own expense,” he says after clearing his throat.

“But are yousureabout the…otherdetails?” he asks, shooting Holly a disapproving look I don’t like.

“If my instructions weren’t clear enough, Mr. Chambers, I can have someone else handle the legal side of things today and every day from now on,” I snap back at him, watching him swallow hard before raising his hands, palms forward in surrender.

“As you like, Mr. Carter. Just want to make sure before we dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s,” he says in a low and apologetic tone.

I feel Holly tugging at my hand. Looking down, I see she looks worried now.

I lean down as she whispers, “Steve? What’s going on? I… I should probably wait outside.” But I can only smile.

Taking her chin between my thumb and finger, I tell her this won’t take long.

“Do you trust me?” I ask her in a low whisper, ignoring everyone else in the room.

She nods instantly.

“Then just sign your name next to mine when it’s time,” I instruct her.

Swiftly reminding everyone else in a loud voice that I haven’t come all the way down here to play twenty questions.

“Are the papers drawn up?” I ask, and everyone nods.

“Then let’s have it then. Holly, as I said. Just sign your name next to mine. These lovely people can act as witnesses and take care of the rest.”



“I… I don’t understand,” I hear myself repeating. Steve only left my side for a moment to discuss something with his assistant in low tones on the other side of the room.

“It’s simple enough,” the older lawyer explains, talking to me as he checks the documents Steve and I just signed.

The others have gravitated toward Steve, becoming part of whatever else he’s discussing.

“Mr. Carter’s company has just purchased the building you live… uh,usedto live in, and the company you used to work for too.”

I feel my jaw dropping, wondering how and why he’d do that.

“So I don’t have an apartment anymore?” I ask, wondering if I’m being officially evicted somehow.

Feeling ultra-confused when the lawyer guffaws, shaking his head in disbelief.

“My dear girl, no, no, no. As per the documents you’ve just signed, it means that the whole building is in your name now. It’syours,” he says, still looking astonished.

I feel myself getting faint and lean heavily on the nearest chair.

Steve’s huge hands are around me before I know it as he helps me to sit down, pouring me some water.

“You’ve had a big day,” he murmurs, shooting the old lawyer an accusing look. As if he’s said or done something to upset me.

“You… Youboughtmy apartment building?” I croak, not even able to think about what the lawyer just told me.
