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Hoping Madison and the rest of the team have managed to do everything I’ve asked for. But it’s what they do.

It’s why I hired them.

“I could just wait here,” Holly says shyly. But we both know I’m not letting her out of my sight. Not even for a minute.

“You might be interested in a few things,” I tease her, moving quickly around to her side of the car to help her out.

In the elevator, on the way up, I can feel her sidelong glances looking up at me like she senses something’s up.

She gasps once the elevator opens.

Unlike my apartment, the office on my floor is a little bit over the top when it comes to design and décor that screams money.

It’s just better for business.

I can tell she wants to explore. Take in the view and ask me a million questions. Her hesitation about the whole shopping thing seems to have been replaced with a genuine interest in my office, which is a relief but not why we’re here.

I murmur something about showing her around later. But right now, I just want to get some ink dried on some very important papers.

Important to me anyhow.

With her hand still in mine, I lead us to where I know everyone will be waiting – the main conference room.

I can feel Holly tense up before we go in, and I pause to remind her that, like home, this place is hers now too. She’s got nothing to feel shy or awkward about.

Opening the doors, I spot Madison first and a familiar legal team second.

They all stand and ask me if I’m feeling better and how good it is to see me in one piece.

Nobody but Madison gives Holly a second glance, which I fix.

“At ease, everyone,” I announce, pulling Holly closer to me.

“This is Holly Winters, who you’ll all be seeing a lot more of whenever I’m around, so I’d appreciate the same level of respect you all afford me to her as much as myself. Starting now,” I tell them all.

There’s a stunned silence, but eventually, everyone comes over and introduces themselves, shaking Holly’s hand and trying hard to look like they mean it.

Madison’s stifling a grin, but only because I know how happy he is for me.

He’s goaded me for years to find someone. “… Anyone… and just settle down.”

But Holly’s not just anyone, and it’s as clear to my assistant as it is to me just how I feel about her.

How I’ll always feel about her.

“Alright, that’s enough ass-kissing,” I clip, reminding them all we’re here for a reason.

“Madison? How’d we do with the apartment complex?” I ask him, noting his expression returning to all business as he flips open his file on the project.

“Okay… The owner is also a resident super. Mortgaged to the hilt on three similar buildings in less profitable parts of town. Mostly empty. He’s a month past on payments due, and his Christmas present from Santa is going to be foreclosure in the New Year,” he reports deadpan. Just the facts and with no emotion.

“Excellent!” I exclaim, noting the glances of my legal team.

“And the other business? Nail guns, wasn’t it?” I ask, which is when I feel Holly tense up beside me.

Without skipping a beat, Madison opens up a second file with a look of satisfaction.

The look of a guy who’s worked his tail off all day and has results he knows I’ll be impressed with.
