Page 17 of Santa Biker

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I guess the answer would be yes to all three. but he didn’t use those qualities as a weapon.

His kindness, generosity, and protective nature warmed my heart. It didn’t hurt that he was the sexiest man I’d ever met, either. Handsome and charming, he was everything I fantasized about, especially that thick bulge in his jeans I caught on more than one occasion.

But life was more complicated than a quick fling in the sheets, no matter how much I wanted to experience carnal bliss with Diablo.

“Thank you for bringing dinner. The kids will talk about it all week.”

“Don’t do that,” he whispered, capturing my hand between his palms as I pulled away. “I know you’re scared, but we’ll get through this. All four of us together.”

He was wrong. I wasn’t scared. Not anymore.

Resigned, I knew eventually Jack would show up. That was why I bought a gun after someone broke into the house.

“I’m not afraid,” I promised. “I always knew this day would come—”

“Mom!” Rev yelled, interrupting our conversation. “Olivia spilled her milk. I’m helping clean up.”

Shit. My little Liv seemed to be going through an awkward phase. For the third time in a week, she knocked something over and made a mess.

“I’m coming!”

Diablo followed me into the kitchen, not bothering to hide his frown. He dropped to his knees when he noticed the tears sliding down Olivia’s cheeks. “It’s an accident, sweetheart. You okay?”

She shook her head. “I keep spilling.”

His expression softened. “I used to trip over my feet when I was your age.” He stood, wobbling around the kitchen, bumping into the cabinets. “See? It still happens sometimes.”

Rev snorted.

Olivia giggled. “You’re funny, Mr. Diablo.”

“Just Diablo. Or you can use my real name if you want.”

Her eyes grew wide before she blinked. “You have more than one name?”

“Everyone has multiple names,” Rev mumbled.

I gave him a sharp warning with a quick shake of my head.

“Yep,” Diablo continued, not acknowledging Rev’s comment. “You can pick from three. Diablo, J.D., or Jesiah David Holmes.”

“Can I call you J.D.?”

“Sure. What about you, Rev?” Diablo asked, noticing Rev’s smirk.

“I’ll stick with Diablo.”

“Figured you would, my man.”

“Does that mean someday I’ll be less clumsy?” Olivia wondered.

Diablo gave her a bright smile. “You bet.”

My daughter jumped from her seat, crashing into the tall biker who showed kindness and bestowed hope. Her thin arms stretched around his waist in a fierce hug. “You’re the best, J.D.”

“I think you are too.”

I grabbed my chest.

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