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With a bow, the butler took off, leaving a whole lot of awkward behind. Which didn't smooth out in the slightest as Blay took Saxton over to the bed and helped the male get horizontal.

SOB was in a gorgeous gray suit. With a waistcoat. Which made Qhuinn in his clothes-as-sleeping-bag feel like he was dressed in some of Hefty's best.

Standing a little taller, so at least he clearly beat Sax on the vertical front, he said, "It was those guys at the cigar bar. Those fucking assholes. Wasn't it. "

As Blay stiffened, Saxton laughed a little. "So our mutual friend Blaylock here told you about our date? I wondered what he was doing on my phone in my bathroom. "

Uh-huh, whatever. Deduction not daytime minutes had led him to that conclusion. Hell, he'd only gotten that one text from the guy. One measely, short text that didn't offer so much as a hi- how're-ya--

Holy. Shit. Was he actually bitching about phone etiquette? Was he really chicking out like that?

Um. . . short of wearing panties under his jeans, he guessed that would be a big yuppity-yup-yup.

Getting back in the game, he snapped, "Was it them?"

When Blay said nothing, Saxton sighed. "Yes, I'm afraid they felt the need to express themselves--well, the head ape in the group did. " The male's lids lowered and he glanced over at Blay. "And I'm a lover not a fighter, you see. "

Blay hurried to fill the silence after that little bomb. "Selena will be here shortly. You'll like her. "

Thank God it wasn't Layla, Qhuinn thought for absolutely no good reason. . . .

The silence that followed had the consistency of tar and the smell of guilty conscience.

"Can I talk to you," Qhuinn said to Blay abruptly. "Out in the hall. "

Not a request.

As Fritz arrived with the tray, Qhuinn stepped from the room and waited in the corridor, facing off at one of the muscular statues. Which made him think about what Blay looked like naked.

Cracking the thermos lid, he took a swig from his coffee, burned his throat, and drank more anyway.

After Fritz left, Blay emerged and shut the door. "What is it?"

"I can't believe you brought him here. "

Blay recoiled with a frown. "You've seen his face. How could I not? He's hurt and not healing well and he needs to feed. And Phury would never allow one of his Chosen to just show up in the world somewhere. This is the only safe way to do it. "

"Why didn't you just find him someone else? It doesn't have to be a Chosen. "

"Excuse me?" That frown got even deeper. "He's your cousin, Qhuinn. "

"I'm well aware of the relation. " And of how petty he sounded. "I just don't get why you pulled all these strings for the guy. "

Bullshit. He knew exactly why.

Blay turned away. "I'm going back in now--"

"Is he your lover. "

That stopped the male dead. . . just froze him like he was one of the Greek statues, his hand halting on its reach for the doorknob.

Blay glanced over his shoulder, his face hard. "That is none of your business. "

Not a blush in sight, and Qhuinn exhaled slowly in relief. "He isn't, is he. You haven't been with him. "

"Leave me alone, Qhuinn. Just. . . leave me alone. "

As the door shut behind the guy, Qhuinn cursed under his breath and wondered if he would ever be able to do that.

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