Page 5 of Dirty Politics

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Will looked up as his assistant, Marissa, walked into his office.

“We have a problem,” she said.

Will set down the papers he was reading and nodded for her to continue.

“It’s NokNok,” she said.

He looked confused.

“Oh, NokNok is a social media platform with short videos and...”

“I know what NokNok is,” he interrupted. “Why do I have a NokNok problem?”

“It seems that a growing movement has started in support of fixing the water problem in Carson, and I don’t really understand this, but for some reason, everyone is directing their anger toward you.”

Will rested his elbows on the table and rubbed his temples. “Damn it.”

“It doesn’t make any sense, because you support this issue,” Marissa said, while she scrolled through NokNok videos on her phone. “Why are they targeting you?”

Will groaned. “It’s that damn protestor.”

“What protestor?”

“The one who handcuffed herself to my desk.”

“What?” Marissa said, eyes wide. Will waved his hand dismissively.

“She wanted me to act, and I explained to her that she was protesting to the wrong person.”

“Well, she is,” Marissa said.

“I guess she didn’t like that answer,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

“It looks like Liv Dalton is behind this. Is that her?” Marissa held up her phone for Will to see a video.

“Yup. That’s the one.”

“She’s good,” Marissa said, watching for a moment. “Really good. These videos are getting millions of views.”

“Well, she doesn’t understand the way the government works. If I could wave my magic wand around and fix all the world’s problems, I would.”

“This whole thing is going viral in a big way. We’ve had pretty much every major news outlet ask for a comment,” Marrisa added.

Will closed his eyes and groaned. “I can’t pass laws by myself. I wish these protestors would learn a thing or two about the law before they start pointing fingers.”

“It says here that Liv Dalton graduated from Harvard Law two years ago, very top of her class. Oh, she was President of the Harvard Law Review, too. Wow,” Marissa said, reading from her phone.

“What?” Will said, his mouth dropped open slightly.

“Apparently,” she was heavily recruited out of law school but didn’t take any of the jobs. That’s all I can find online.”

“What the hell?” Will said. He was up on his feet, pacing. “Are we sure she isn’t actually working for the other side? Why would she target me over this issue; she knows how these things work?”

Marissa shrugged. “I don’t know, but it’s not going away.”

“Get me on Newsom’s show tonight,” Will said. “We have to stay ahead of it.”

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