Page 64 of Elise.

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My stomach drops, as he gives me a wave and starts to walk away. “No!” I protest. “I just found you!”

“Then it looks like you’ll have to find me again, huh?” He shrugs. “I’ll catch you around.”

I could shove Tatiana in the pool, I’m so annoyed, but she seems completely oblivious to how upset I am, leading me to a group of our peers from school who all greet me enthusiastically. I don’t even have time to feel bad for myself before I have to plaster on that fake smile again and thank everyone for coming to my party. At this rate, I’m beginning to think I shouldn’t have had a party at all. It’s almost more stressful than it is fun.

I break away for some time to talk to my Grandma Margaret and my aunts, who gush over how grown up I look and how much I resemble my mother, who also makes her way over to the small group of us. I can breathe here among family, even relax a little, but I still haven’t gotten what I want most of all: Dan, alone.

Now that I’ve apparently said hello to every single person at the party, I can move through it unhindered without being pulled aside every five seconds. I break away from my family and begin the hunt, wanting to corner Dan before we have my cake because I’m too afraid he’ll just leave during all the commotion. It’s like when I’m not in front of him, he can leave me alone and be rational about everything, but when I’m with him, his walls crumble. Tonight, that’s exactly what I want… Dan to crumble for me.

It’s fully dark now, no more gloaming, and everything is lit by the lights overhead. It makes it harder to see faces, and I search for long minutes with no success. I’m becoming frustrated and even scared that he might have left the party early to get away from this chemistry between us. If he’s still here, why is he so hard to find? Where could he be hiding?

I spot a group of guys that I recognize from college and parties that Dan has thrown before. I make my way to them, and after some small talk, I get right to the point.

“Have you all seen Dan anywhere?” I ask, trying to sound as innocent as possible. “He told my brother he was coming but I haven’t seen him.”

“I saw him playing billiards inside,” one of the guys informs me. “That was just a few minutes ago. I bet he’s still there. Do you want me to go and call him for you?”

I shake my head, just waving them off. “That’s fine, I will head that way myself. Thanks!”

Inside, there are much fewer people. It figures Dan would be in the billiard room, since he knows the layout of the house, while everyone else was still outside. I almost feel bad because of all the effort he’s putting into keeping distance between us, but he has to know why I wanted him here so badly. If he wants to reject me outright, he can, but something tells me that won’t be the case.

Just like I was told, Dan and two other men are playing billiards. He’s discarded his suit jacket, and the sleeves of his shirt are rolled up. When I enter, he’s bent over the table, cue aimed, and a lock of hair falling over his forehead. He’s concentrating, his brows drawn together, right before he shoots. The balls click together loudly, one solid color ricocheting into a hole, and he stands up straight. Then, he notices me standing in the doorway, and his casual, fun demeanor changes instantly.

“Hey guys,” he says to the other two playing with him, “Why don’t you get out of here? I’ll catch up with you later. The birthday girl and I have something to discuss.”

“But we’re right in the middle of a game,” one complains. “Can’t you just wait?”

“Get out,” Dan repeats between clenched teeth, his tone more threatening. “Before I throw you out physically.”

There’s some huffing and puffing, but both men gather their things and leave, giving me quick apologies as they pass by myside. Once we are left alone, I cross my arms and look at Dan, waiting to see what he has to say.

“So you’ve tracked me down.” He sighs. “You’re relentless.”

I can’t help but smile. “I know.”

I move around the billiard table, and Dan does the same on the other side, both of us circling like sharks.

“Have you been avoiding me?” I snap.

To my astonishment, he goes to the door, but instead of leaving as I was afraid he would, he pulls it shut and locks it. And just like that, we’re completely alone. “I have been….”

“Why?” I demand. Unlike the night I had drank too much, and he had put me to bed, we’re both sober, and well aware of what we both feel for each other at this moment.

The tension in the air is so thick it could be cut with a knife. My body is already getting warm, preparing for his touch, and every inch of my skin feels needy and ready for him. Once the lock clicked over, it was like everything changed. Now those things that I’ve been dreaming about with Dan are right here at my fingertips.

He moves in until I have to take a step back, my calves hitting the billiard table. He puts his hands on either side of me, pressing against the wood and leaning his weight forward. Our bodies connect, and it’s all I can do not to moan outright. It feels so much like the night in the study that if I close my eyes, it’d almost be like I am right there again.

“Because,” he starts, breathing so close to my skin that I get goosebumps, “you have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now.”

His eyes are boring into mine, intense and fiery. “Then why don’t you?” I ask, tilting my face up to him.

“Your brother will kill me.”

“He isn’t here,” I point out, arching forward to press myself into him even further. He sucks in air between his teeth.

“I gave my word to him that I’d never touch you,” he grits out, his hips unconsciously moving so the hard length of him is settled between my thighs. This time I do moan, but just softly.

“He’s not even here, Dan,” I complain, wrapping my arms around his neck.

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