Page 54 of Elise.

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I think the adrenaline surge and then fallout from Andries showing up while Dan was in my apartment has a lot to do with it, though, not just the alcohol. I had been so nervous the entire time my brother was in my home, acutely aware of his best friend milling around in my study just a single wall away from us, but somehow I pulled it off and got Andries out without him noticing what was going on. Now, my brother is going on and on about how much he enjoyed the engagement party and how happy he was that I came, but he’s talking himself in circles, making it easy for me to just respond with noncommittal noises and single-word answers.

I wish I had time to stop at the campus corner store and grab some aspirin, but it looks like my brother isn’t going to give me time to do anything at all. I can’t cut and run because I’m too afraid of making him suspicious about being hungover or, God forbid, not being alone in my apartment earlier. I know I wasn’t acting normal, but he seems oblivious thus far.

I check the time; I’ve got about five minutes until class starts, and the morning sun isn’t doing my head any favors. Andries is bright-eyed and healthy looking, while I’m putting quite a lot of my faith in my oversized sunglasses to keep me from looking like the walking dead. I take another mouthful of coffee, and the tension in my head eases just the slightest bit more.

“So, yeah…” he finishes finally. “It was just really great to have all the family there together. I almost didn’t notice that Mom and Dad didn’t come.”

I don’t believe him fully, but whatever he has to tell himself to feel like this is all still going well is none of my business, so I just nod.

“I noticed you disappeared toward the end of the night, and I didn’t see you until you were heading out. Was anything wrong?”

“Oh no,” I say quickly, my heart rate kicking up. My own voice sounds squeaky to me. “I was just making my rounds to make sure I got to talk to everyone, is all.”

He shrugs, apparently unconcerned with whatever I was doing that night. “I was pretty wasted, I’m not going to lie.”

I can commiserate with him, considering how I’m feeling right now, but I’ll never tell him so. “It was a long night. But…” I make a big show out of checking the time again. “I think we both have to be getting to class.”

“You’re right,” he says after checking it himself. “Well, I guess we should get going, then.”

In a moment of impulsiveness, I give my brother a quick hug. “Thank you for breakfast this morning. That was so thoughtful of you.”

“Honestly, I brought it because I wanted to ask you something, but I was trying to gauge whether you would say no or not, but you’ve been a woman of few words this morning.” He chuckles. “Studies must be getting to you. Anyway, I wanted to see if you would have dinner with Roxie and me at her place one of these days? I know you two haven’t always gotten along, but she’d love to start fresh and put the past behind her. And so do I, honestly.”

Guilt stabs at me, thinking of what Karl has asked me to do regarding Roxanne and my agreement to go along with his plan. Here is Andries, standing in front of me and telling me how much he and his fiancée want to mend fences and really have our families be a single unit. Andries wants to trust me again, but meanwhile, I’m scheming behind his back. I feel like a terrible sister.

I do need to get more information on what Roxanne is writing, though, and that kind of information is innocuous enough that she would probably tell me happily while also giving Dad and Karl some information to chew on while I stall on the whole escort thing.

“I’d love to. Just give me a heads up so I can make sure my schedule is clear with work and class stuff.”

He grins, and he looks so young that it hurts my heart. Even though he’s a year older than me, the last year has shown me that as the younger sibling, I can still be powerfully protective of my older brother. I don’t want him to get hurt, and I want him to be happy… and I definitely don’t want to be an agent in his misery in the future.

I hate being in the middle so much. How did I get here? I love all of my family, and I don’t want to be pitted against anyone. Ugh…

“I’ll shoot you a message when Roxanne and I pick out some options, but since you’re the guest, you get the final say. Have a good day, El.”

“You too,” I say quietly, watching him leave for his own class through the dark tint of my sunglasses. Of course, Andries would start being the perfect brother as I start to scheme against his fiancée. Nothing is ever easy when it comes to this family.

I get to class with just enough time to spare so that I can interrogate my classmates for some ibuprofen. One girl I’ve only spoken to twice gives me one pill, but after a withering look, she drops two more into my hand.

“That time of the month?” she asks awkwardly, watching me swallow the pills one by one, dry.

“None of your business,” I mutter, turning away. “Thanks for the pills.”

She sneers in response, but I don’t care. I’ve gotten what I needed.

I settle into my desk right as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see there is a new message from Dan, and my body immediately feels warmer. Already starting to smile, I open it.

Dan: Managed to leave, but before doing so I snuck into your bedroom and stole your private diary.

Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if Dan really did pull some trick like that, but I’m not exactly a diary type of girl.

Elise:Lol, I don’t have a diary so good luck with that.

Dan:Oh crap. I hope it wasn’t a notebook filled with classwork, then.

Elise:If it was, I’m sure you just took it so you would have an excuse to see me again soon.

Dan:Actually, just to piss you off.

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