Page 17 of Elise.

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Karl looks almost sad when he responds. “I’m sure you don’t, but I just want you to keep your guard up. Make sure when it comes to the promise he made you, he’ll have no choice but to actually go through with it.”

With a jolt, I know that Karl knows more than he’s letting on. I don’t want to even consider that Dad is dragging me along through this internship for nothing. If that’s true, then Karl is on whatever games my father is playing with me. I shiver, but nod at him, shrugging my shoulder so his hand falls away.

“Thanks for the advice. I really do appreciate it.”

He smiles, and in a flash, I forget what a worm he really is.



Amsterdam, April 26, 2022


After the stressful workday yesterday,I returned home, had a quick dinner, and quickly passed out for the night. There was too much going on in my brain and I didn’t want to sit and dwell on it all. I needed rest, and then I could make my decisions with a fresh outlook.

Unfortunately, even though today is my day off, someone seems to want to speak to me and they happen to be an early riser. Still deep in slumber, it takes a few consecutive calls for me to realize that my phone is buzzing on my bedside table. Delirious, I sit up, blowing my hair out of my face and answering the phone without even checking who it is.

“Elise!” my brother exclaims immediately. “Have you read the paper this morning?”

“Read the paper? For one, I’m not seventy years old. Two, no, I’m still in bed. What’s going on?”

“Karl has appealed his sentence and is back working at Dad’s company!”

I wince, holding the phone against my shoulder with my chin and rubbing my temples. “Uh, yeah. Actually, I already knew that. He showed up when I was there yesterday.”

Andries swears a string of curses. “I don’t want you around him, El. That guy is a fucking creep.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I huff, head shaking. “It’s a completely professional environment.”

“Maybe. But Karl is unpredictable. You need to convince Dad to fire him or it’s going to become a huge problem for us all.”

I nibble my bottom lip in thought. There is no way in hell Dad is going to fire Karl, but letting Andries know that is going to be delicate work. He isn’t going to want to hear it, but I have to make him understand that it’s just the way of things.

“Dad isn’t going to fire Karl,” I say, keeping my tone even. “It’s impossible, and asking me to make it happen isn’t really fair.”

My brother just scoffs in return. “Everyone knows you are Dad’s golden child. He’ll probably do anything you ask.”

I almost laugh at how untrue that statement is. Our father is going to such extreme lengths to bring his son back into the fold, all the while I wait in the background. “Andries, I said it’s impossible. Senior management loves Karl, and he’s going to make an appearance at the shareholders’ meeting too. They’ll never get rid of him with all that coming up.”

“You won’t even try?” he asks, incredulous.

“No, I won’t. I’m not going to waste my time and make myself look bad during an internship that I really value.”

When my brother speaks again, the sneer in his voice is all too obvious. “I can’t tell you how disturbing it is to hear that you’re going to side with the company. You’re just rolling over and going with whatever management sees fit.”

“Look, what he did to Patricia was horrible, but at the office, there have never been any complaints against him. He’s alwaysrespectful, he brings a lot of business to the company, and he’s one of the key players. From the company’s point of view, we’d rather help his image than fire him.” I try to explain myself, but my brother is having none of it. The minute I close my mouth he starts up again.

“You’ve been working there for a month or so and look at you, defending a convicted rapist.” He laughs cruelly. “I should have known you’d be quick to switch sides. And here I had more hope for you than that.”

I gasp, hurt. “Andries, what an awful–”

“Have you even seen Patricia lately? Maybe you should check on your friends from time to time. I guess you’re probably too busy defending Karl.”

“I’m not even defending him! You’re just—” but before I can even get the sentence out, Andries hangs up, and the line is dead.

It hurts. It really, really does, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. Once again, it feels like there is no right answer, but everyone still blames everything on me no matter what I choose.

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