Page 16 of Elise.

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He pats me on the cheek before I can swat his hand away, not wanting to be babied in front of my coworkers. “Don’t worry about it, dear. It will be fine. Just do your part to get some more info about this book, okay?”

“Okay…” I give him a plastic smile, feeling genuinely relieved when he heads back to his own office, and I can have a second to myself.

I slink back to my desk and consider texting Dan to let him know what just happened, but he’d probably be pissed off, and that would just be another mess for me to have to deal with, so instead, I open my emails and get to work on my actual duties for the day.

It’s less than thirty minutes before I’m interrupted again, this time by the assistant I had seen Karl arrive with, a slight, nervous looking young man with thick glasses.

“Hi, um, Ms. Van den Bosch?”


“Mr. Townsend would like to see you in his office if you have the time.”

The idea gives me pause, and I can’t help the shiver of apprehension that runs through me. Patricia was my friend… maybe not the closest friend I’ve ever had, but it was still important for me to be there for her when she needed me. What Karl did made me anxious to be left alone in his office with him, especially when I seem to be the same type of girl that he was so clearly attracted to. Attracted enough to risk jail time for it.

But Karl had never had a single bad complaint from someone here at Van den Bosch industries, and for all intents and purposes has been the perfect employee. So despite how I feel toward the man, I give his assistant a tight nod and follow him to his office.

The older man’s office is minimally decorated, but what he does have is expensive and well-maintained. He looks up from his paperwork and smiles at me as I enter, waving a hand at the plush chair sitting across from his desk. I sit, smoothing my pants and waiting for him to speak.

“Thank you for coming, Elise. I realize we have never talked on our own, and I wanted to rectify that.”

“Alright,” I reply noncommittally, not sure what he wants me to say.

“I also wanted to express my gratitude for letting us all know about Roxanne Feng’s memoir coming out. It will be a big help for us to not be blindsided by such a thing.”

“You talk about her like you barely know her,” I comment, tilting my head to the side.

Karl sighs, tapping the pen in his hand against his chin as he speaks. “At one time I’d have considered Roxanne someone that I cared for deeply. A trusted friend, even. But she has shown her true colors so… yes, I feel like I barely know her anymore.”

“From what she says, you got yourself into this legal trouble, and she didn’t have anything to do with it besides assigning a certain girl to you for that night. Patricia.”

I expect Karl to look angry, offended, or maybe even uncomfortable, but he simply shrugs. “I don’t deny that. Roxanne wasn’t responsible for anything except trusting an incredibly inexperienced girl to do her job.”

“But didn’t you specifically request inexperienced?” I query, keeping my tone level and curious instead of the disgust that I can feel roiling in my belly.

“Yes and no. Physically inexperienced in one certain way, but Patricia was both physically and mentally naïve. I do want to apologize for hurting her, Elise, since I know she was your friend, but she and I both made mistakes that night.”

“I…” I look away from his face, my thoughts racing. “I’ve heard different versions of the story and I’d rather not get into it right now if we don’t have to. This is a professional environment after all.”

“Agreed. But just remember, I’m not the monster you think I am.” Karl’s voice is low and serious. I wish I could trust that he is genuine, but there is just no way.

“Regardless of all that, I actually called you in here to tell you how impressed I am with your loyalty to the company. Not many people would do what you did in that boardroom this morning. You’re a rare breed, Elise, and I’m more than happy to help you reach your goals now that I know what type of woman you are.”

I fold my hands in my lap and lean forward. “What goals? I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

His lips twist into a smile. “Everyone knows Sebastian is going to retire in a decade or so, and who will replace him is still a big mystery. I know you want to be his first choice when the day comes, and I can help you make that possible.”

All of my nervousness is long gone, and I actually laugh at this, thinking about how a publicly disgraced figure is supposed to help me achieve my dreams, but when he looks at me in confusion, I simply say, “Well, I appreciate it. Is there anything else?”

Karl seems to almost be taking my measure as he looks at me, but after a few long moments, he shakes his head. “No, I think that’s it.”

More than ready to be back at my desk working on my own things, I quickly stand and turn to go. It isn’t until my hand is on the doorknob that I hear Karl stand and begin to approach me. “Elise?”

I pause, suppressing a groan as I pivot to face him. “Yes?”

He’s right in front of me now, and he lays a large hand on my shoulder. “Your dad makes a lot of promises, but that doesn’t mean he’ll keep them.”

“I think he’s going to appoint me as his successor no matter what, so I don’t have too much to worry about.”

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