Page 90 of Andries.

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Amsterdam, March 5, 2022


There isn’t much betterthan coffee on my terrace with a soft blanket around my shoulders. Two things are making it even better today, though; the hazelnut creamer I had bought on a whim, and Andries spending the weekend with me.

It’s early, and Dam Square is quiet for the time being. It will explode with activity in no time, but for right now, it’s just me, my coffee, and the sunrise.

It isn’t long before Andries opens the terrace door and joins me, his flannel sleep pants and university sweatshirt making him look oh so domestic. Him staying all weekend almost makes it feel like we are back to normal, even though I’m aware there are still issues between us to hammer out.

I smile distractedly as he kisses me on the top of my hair, then he sits in the chair next to mine, watching my face and not the Square, before his curiosity gets the better of him.

“Is everything okay?” he asks carefully.

“We should go ice skating,” I tell him, just like that.

He blinks, totally taken aback. “Ice skating?”

I turn toward him, grinning. “Yes! Lili’s date took her yesterday, and she had an amazing time apparently. We should go too. It’s been so long since we’ve done something spontaneous.”

“Your sister had a date?” Andries is still a few steps behind. I blame it on the early hour.

“Yes, she’s been seeing someone. So… ice skating?”

He frowns, turning to Dam Square now to avoid my gaze. I know why he doesn't want to go, but I want him to say it out loud so I can shoot his pathetic excuse down. I won’t hide in my apartment with him forever, no matter how good the sex is.

“Roxie…” he starts. “Those places are always packed this time of year.”

“Exactly my point,” I snap immediately. “No one will recognize us in the crowd.”

He pinches his nose and closes his eyes. “We already spoke about this….”

“Are you ashamed to be seen with me?” I know that isn’t it, really, but I can’t help the hurt in my voice.

He doesn't look up, just sighs in displeasure at the confrontation. “You know it’s not that. I don’t want my parents or Elise finding out, that’s all. I have to be the one to tell them.”

“Oh, come on, Andries, let’s be real.” Now my tone is sarcastic, maybe more so than I intended, but oh well. “Your family doesn’t go skating at a crowded public venue. You guys probably rent a pristine mountain lake and helicopter in or something.” He scowls, his expression sour, and I chuckle. “Don’t give me that face. You know it’s true.”

He doesn’t respond, just crosses his arms, and continues to look out at the Square. Finally, I’ve had enough. I stand in a huff, pulling my blanket around me and grabbing my empty coffeemug. “Fine! I’ll go alone. I need to get some fresh air. I’ll see you later.”

Opening the terrace door, I step one foot over the threshold when I feel a tug on my blanket. I turn, and Andries has it clenched in his fist, looking at me in disbelief.

“You’re really going ice skating without me?”

“If you aren’t coming, then yes,” I tell him, trying to contain my amusement of seeing his sad puppy face. “Now let go of my blanket.”

Andries stands slowly, every movement full of reluctance. “Fine Roxie. You win. If we see anyone, though, we’re leaving immediately.”

I bounce on my toes, kissing him swiftly before pulling him inside with me. “Agreed! Now let’s go!”

We got to Jaap Edenbaan later than I'd intended, since Andries and I might have taken a bit longer in the shower than planned.

After he has a moment of distraction at how nice my butt looks in my jeans, I finally get us out the door and on our way. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, and with the whole day in front of us, I’m happier than I’ve been in weeks.

Jaap Edenbaan is enormous, looking more like a racetrack than an ice-skating rink, since it’s also used for speed skating. Today, though, it’s open to the public, and the long oval track is full of everyone from couples to little children holding on to their parents' hands. There is grass in the center, and there are skaters sitting there, laughing about their falls or just giving their feet a much-needed break.

Andries and I have spent many dates dressed impeccably and, mingling with people just like his family among the glitzand glamor. This time is different. It’s real, slightly messy, silly, and wholesome. It seems so much more genuine than anything else.

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