Page 79 of Andries.

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“The truth was a distance you thought would keep me near

“You deserve a second chance

“After everything you still make my heart dance

“Forgiven but not forgotten is the thought

“Because I still love you, a lot.”

He shuts the book, his eyes now pinned on me, and I find myself totally lost for words as I digest the poem he just read.

“This is so beautiful,” I say as we embrace each other in a tight hug. “I never in my entire life thought I’d meet someone so precious like you. Thank you for writing this.”

“Glad you liked it,” I hear him saying. We remain quiet for a moment, enjoying the comfortable silence.

“I made some dinner,” I tell him softly. “It’s in the kitchen.”

I’m reluctant to let him go, but our talk from earlier and the poems we just read has zapped a lot of my energy, and dinner is a must. I follow him into the kitchen, toasting some bread to go with our pasta, and we have an achingly domestic meal together over wine and conversation about anything but my job.

Andries would be content to talk poetry with me for hours, but after discussing so many emotionally draining subjects I feel more tired than I thought I was. We rinse the dishes together, load the dishwasher, and make our way into the bathroom, both of us loose and sleepy from the wine.

I run us a bath in my enormous soaking tub, one of my favorite purchases that I ever made for the penthouse. Andries settles into the water first, stripping his clothes off and laying them in a neat pile by the door. He’s so beautiful that it almost hurts. I had no chance of staying away from him after our firsttime together… I know that now. Somehow our lives will have to find a way to come together, even if I’m not sure how yet.

After climbing into the bath, my back to his chest, we relax in the steaming water for a long while, speaking of light and happy things while Andries lazily runs his hands over my entire body. It’s clear when the intention changes from affection to seduction, his hands skimming over my nipples and dipping between my legs, and it isn’t long until I’ve rotated to face him, guiding his hard cock into me with a helping hand.

We both moan as we are joined, and from there the lovemaking is slow and unhurried, water sloshing at the side of the tub. There is none of the frantic energy of our encounter at the party, just a deep need for us to connect on this most basic level.

Once he’s inside me, we don’t move at first, at least not where we are connected. In the low light of my bathroom, I lean back, letting Andries have full access to my body. He skims his hands up my ribs, fingers stroking over my shoulder blades before sweeping back down again, under the water and against the bones of my hips.

It tickles, making me twitch. Andries makes a hissing noise, and then chuckles. “You get tighter when I do that.”

He repeats the caress, and I jolt again. I can see the white of Andries’ teeth as he grins, but before I can scold him for wasting time on games, he touches me where I’ve been aching for him.

Andries cups my breasts reverently in his palms, squeezing gently before his thumbs flick over my nipples. I exhale, and I move my hips unconsciously with him still seated deep inside me. The pleasure from his touch is shivery, but as he rolls his thumbs over my hard nipples again and again, I start to feel needy, getting wetter and more swollen.

To my annoyance, although my body seems to think differently, Andries touches me in an achingly slow matter. Afterwhat seems like the thousandth pass of his thumbs over my hard peaks, he pinches them between his fingers, sending a rush of arousal from my chest to my pussy.

I open my mouth to complain about his slow pace, but he surges forward and kisses me instead, his tongue darting into my mouth with a swiftness unlike the slow crawl of all his other touches. My eyes flutter closed as I kiss him back, his hands still teasing my breasts and nipples at a pace that becomes more and more desperate as we kiss deeply.

With a groan, he pulls away, moving his lips and tongue across my jawline and down my neck, his hands coaxing me to lean back even further in his lap. I grind against him, his cock pulsing inside of me, but I let him push me back just enough so he can fasten his mouth over one of my hard, aching nipples. He licks and sucks until I bury my wet hands in his hair, pulling until he moves to the other peak.

I can’t take much more, and as blissful as his clever tongue on my nipples is, I need more, telling him so with another movement of my hips. I pull him away again until he looks in my eyes. I start a patient, rolling pace, fucking Andries in a way that I feel the hard length of him stroking the most sensitive parts inside of me with each movement. There is no hurry, but it is still devastating, especially for Andries, who groans from deep in his chest with each stroke. Feeling the way his body tenses under mine, and the coiling of need between my legs, I know it won’t be long.

Andries finishes first, his body curling upward toward me as he does, and the desperate uttering of my name combined with his hard upstrokes are the last thing I need to finish, too, in a shuddering wave. We spend almost as long in the afterglow, just holding each other, before the water chills enough that we have to seek the warmth of the shower.

“Stay the night,” I tell him, washing his broad back under the shower water. “Don’t go.”

“I’m glad you offered before I had to ask,” he chuckles.

As we crawl under the blankets together and fall into slumber wrapped up in one another, the only thought on my mind is how hard it is going to be to separate myself from my job, because I don’t think I can give this thing with Andries up again. I just have to find the cleanest way to pull myself apart.


Amsterdam, March 1, 2022


I’m a fairly early riser,and as such, I always set my room up to brighten with the sun as it rises. Roxanne, though, has blackout curtains that block her entire bedroom windows, so when I wake up, the room is dark and sepia tinged.

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