Page 124 of Andries.

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“Mmm…that sounds absolutely lovely.” She turns and her lips find mine. Even just kissing her is enough to make my body erupt with passion. Just like we should always feel, especially in Paris. “Why don’t you start getting ready and I’ll round up my mother and Lili?” One more kiss and we manage to separate.

As I disappear into the bathroom, she goes to the bedroom to get herself dressed, and I can’t help but wonder what her reaction would be if she found the ring box in the nightstand. It’s right underneath the phone and would be easy to discover. After all, the Cartier box would be a dead giveaway. Would she be thrilled? Would she be upset or sad? I’d like to think she’d squeal and rush to me, throwing her arms around me and telling me yes right away, but there’s still that feeling of apprehension. If she rejects me, especially with her mother and sister along with us, it would crush me completely.

Aside from my plan to propose later on, we have a touristy day ahead of us. Trying not to look too much like we aren’t locals, I give Yao and Lili a lay of the land and make sure that they know where they are. After breakfast, we head out for the morning and the first stop is the Eiffel Tower, which I know is a good place to start with before it gets too crowded and the buses start to pile in. Once we reach the top, Yao and Lili become like teenagers and rush excitedly to take a glass of champagne at the bar before snapping a few pictures.

As I observe the three of them taking selfies with the view and their glasses of champagne, I can’t help but think of the other men who have likely entertained Roxanne by taking her to places like this. I’m sure with her former life she was shown the best of everything, but it was as a completely different person playing a role and acting a part. Not somebody who is seeing itwith fresh eyes and through the ones of her sister and mother for the first time. It gives me a warm feeling to know that I’m able to provide such an experience for her and her family, and also spend it with her when she is having so much fun.

The view is always breathtaking, and we are able to snap some perfect shots, creating memories that I hope will last a lifetime. Even Yao is able to let her hair down and smile and be a bit silly when posing for the camera. Once we are there for a little while the numbers start to swell, and I know it’s time for our next stop.

We leave the Eiffel Tower and head to a cute, traditional brasserie with a wide terrace just around the corner which is perfect to make a quick stop for a croissant and coffee. I sit down with the three women at the terrace and immediately a waiter comes to take our order. As we take in our surroundings, we find people walking by on their way to work or we spot other tourists like us. It’s almost funny to watch and actually guess what those by-passers are getting up to during their day. There’s nothing better than simply sitting at a terrace and enjoying some French pastries in good company. Even Yao’s demeanor seems to be great today.

Afterwards, we head to the Louvre, which is the next destination planned. But this is only an excuse to send Lili and Yao away. Once we reach the museum, I take Roxanne’s arm and tell her that we should take a trip back to the bookstore we visited yesterday.

“I saw them looking at some first editions,” I whisper to her. “It’d be a nice surprise to head back there and purchase those books for them.”

She’s got no idea what I have actually planned for us there and quickly agrees to head back to the bookstore as a surprise for her family. The ring box I’ve been carrying is literally burning a hole in my pocket, or at least it feels that way. As we walkthrough the Parisian streets hand in hand and talk about the city, I can’t help but feel a swell of nervousness build inside me. When we reach the bookstore, it’s almost difficult to step inside knowing what I’m about to do. This time though we are greeted by the store clerk, and after we exchange a few words, he leads us to the back end of the store. Roxanne thinks he’s just going to show us the books her mother and sister saw yesterday, so she follows him without giving much of a second thought.

Then once we reach the back end, the clerk unlocks a wooden door and welcomes us inside a circular room. The walls are covered with ceiling-to-floor shelves filled only with antique hardcovers and collectibles. I thank him, and he closes the door behind him, leaving us alone.

“This is kind of a secret room that most people don’t know about,” I tell her, reveling in her excitement. “Some books here are even centuries old. It’s a bit like your room for banned books.”

It’s the most appropriate spot for what I have planned. After all, our entire life together began inside an antiquarian bookstore, exploring banned literature, and this is a place that takes me back to the first time I kissed her between the stacks. Her gorgeous profile, not knowing anything about what I was about to get myself into or experience.

“This place is so incredible.” She sighs as she paces the floor, perusing the shelves. “I could literally spend all day here.” Her hand drifts over a couple of spines, her attention never leaving the shelves. “Oh! There’s even a collection of poetry from Bei Dao.” My hands are shaking, knowing what I’m about to do. While she’s distracted, her back on me, I take out the ring box and squeeze it in my hand, my heart thundering a thousand miles an hour. It’s time. There are no one around us and it’s the perfect moment to do so.

“Do you know where the books are that we are looking for? I don’t recall Mama coming here yesterday.”

“I have something I need to tell you,” I say, trying to make sure my voice doesn’t shake.

She finally turns around, and when she does so, I kneel down in front of her, causing her to gasp in surprise, her hands going up to her mouth.

“Roxanne, I don’t know how you managed to make me fall so hard for you. Dan believes you have put a spell on me,” I start, and while tears are springing to her eyes, I see her smile and she lets out a brief giggle. “But the one thing I do know is that you were meant to turn my world upside down. And everything that we’ve been through since that first kiss in the bookstore has only showed me exactly how much I want you in my life.” Her eyes meet mine and everything comes out as a rush.

“An antiquarian bookstore represents where we started. But I also want it to represent where we begin.” I open the carmine box, revealing the ring she tried on at the shop with her sister. “Ms. Feng, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”

The pause feels like an eternity as she looks at the ring lying in the open box. A single tear runs down her cheek and she nods. “Of course. Of course, I will, Andries.” When she says those words, a thrill runs through my body that’s absolutely indescribable. I stand immediately up and, with a shaking hand, remove the ring and slide it onto her finger, knowing it would be a perfect fit. She gasps as the ring slides on and then I take her hand, looking into her eyes and pull her into me.

I kiss her hard, tasting a salty tear that has flowed down her cheek, and my heart keeps pounding hard inside my chest as I realize Roxanne is going to be my wife whether my family or anyone else tries to get in the way.

“I can’t believe this,” she breathes amid a few sniffles. “This is too good to be real.” She wipes her eyes with her fingers, while I spray soft kisses on her head.

“It’s very real, believe me,” I say in a low voice.

We embrace each other, reveling in the magic of the moment in a comforting silence. But the truth is, I’m just as overjoyed and barely able to process this new reality—I’m officially engaged. Wow.

It’s difficult to let her go, but we finally manage to make our way out of the store, my head reeling with the fact I’m now engaged. Roxanne is freely letting tears stream down her cheeks, showing as much emotion as I’ve ever seen her exhibit, especially in public. Some of the people walking by even almost stop us to see if something is wrong, but it’s obvious that her tears are joyful, not sad. Her normally stoic nature has been eliminated by the romance of the moment as she continues raving about the ring I put on her finger. We have a bit of a walk before meeting up with her mother and sister, so I take a moment to talk to her about us being engaged.

“Whatever you want for a wedding, it’s yours,” I tell her. “I’m fine with something simple and intimate if that’s what you’d prefer.” She nods and agrees, the smile never leaving her face. Then there is a pause as she considers something.

“What about your family? Are you going to tell them?” she asks.

“Just my grandmother. I’m sure the rest of them will find out in due time.” It’s a tough decision to not contact the rest of my family, especially Elise who was simply caught up in the middle of everything. But this moment is for us, not anybody else andI don’t want there to be any chance that it might be ruined by parents making stupid remarks about our future together. I send off a quick text to Dan with a picture of the ring on Roxanne’s finger, knowing he will want to know everything.

Quickly my phone rings with a FaceTime request from the one and only Dan O’Brian. I’m rather happy he’s the first one person I’ll share the good news with. Even though he might have tried to convince me otherwise, I know he’s got always my back and will support my decision. When I answer the call, his smile is wide.

“Hey, bud! Just thought I’d reach out directly and say congratulations to the newly engaged couple!” His voice sounds genuinely happy for us and Roxanne makes a big deal out of showing him the ring on her finger. He whistles. “Damn… that looks like a good, solid rock, Andries. Don’t show any of my ladies that, otherwise their expectations will get too high!” Roxanne laughs, and so that I. She seems so happy she’s almost glowing.

“Alright, well, I’ll leave you to enjoy Paris!” he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “I’ll start planning the bachelor party. I have some ideas in mind already.” That part makes me laugh as well. I can only imagine what hedonistic situations I’m going to have to talk him out of before I get married. He can have his fun, of course.

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