Page 114 of Andries.

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“I’m coming,” I gasp. “Oh fuck, Andries, I’m coming.”

He only grunts in response, giving me no space, staying on me as I come. There is no snapping explosion this time, but a whole-body wave that threatens to drown me. I feel my orgasm in my fingers, my toes, my chest, and especially, my core, where my pussy grips Andries cock like a vice.

His strokes stutter before he slams into me harder than ever. I’m lost, floating up us both as my orgasm wracks me, but I can still feel the heat of his seed filling me up for what seems like whole minutes. Andries lifts off me, his hands gripping my ass again as he throws his head back and almost roars his release. I can already feel it dripping down my legs.

Once the last shudder of my climax dissipates, I feel boneless; exhausted. I’ll find it silly later, but as I slide down the arm of the couch onto the floor, desperate to lay down, Andries follows me, and it doesn't seem odd at all.

We tangle up with each other there on the floor, all long limbs and sweat, letting out bodies come down from their high. It feels so perfect and natural, that an errant through springs to my mind, now that my lust is spent.

“Can I ask you something?” I murmur against the skin of his shoulder. “Why don’t you live here with me?”

He tenses. “What do you mean?”

“You know, like when we were together?” He doesn’t answer, or relax, so I quickly add, “That doesn’t mean you don’t get to keep your own place, but…why not spend every night here with me?”

It takes him a long time to respond, so long that I begin to feel nervous, but finally he says, “Do you really want me here every single night?”

Andries sounds so hopeful, so vulnerable, that it makes my heart ache. “Every night, always.”

His muscles finally loosen, and he curls into me even closer, letting out a relieved laugh. “Well, I think I can manage that.”


Amsterdam, March 28, 2022


When Elise walksinto the café with her haughty air around her, I know exactly what she is here for. She almost flounces like she is trying to be a supermodel even though she is just another spoiled brat—a part of Andries’ family. The smile on her face looks like a viper approaching my table and when she sits down without being invited, it’s definitely with an air that she isn’t going to take any crap.

“Hello, Elise. So good to see you again.” I try to make the words as dry as possible coming out of my mouth. “Please, sit down,” I say, as if she hasn’t already done so. There is definitely some bitterness still coming through my body after everything that has happened. But Elise still holds the upper hand with everything. She knows about the only thing that can tear Andries away from me.

“Thank you,” she says, sounding proper. As the waiter comes by she orders a fancy whatever and then quickly gets down tobusiness. “So,” she begins, before leaning forward on the table. “Do you know why I asked you to meet up?”

“Yes, I assume your father is sending you to do his dirty work.” The blow has teeth, and the look that quickly flashes across her face tells me it has done the job. I sip on my drink as smoke almost curls out of her ears.

“I don’t know what you mean. All we are looking for is that whatever testimony you decide to give in a few hours, that it doesn’t reflect too badly on Karl. There’s a lot at stake for my dad and Andries––as well as his possible future.”

I bristle at the idea that she cares anything about Andries and his future, especially because she has no idea what is going on behind the scenes and the fact that I am changing my entire life for him. Not that somebody like her would probably care unless it affected her allowance.

“I think that it’s none of your damn business what I’m gonna say about Karl.” Her expression doesn’t change as the waiter puts down her drink and she takes a sip.

“Listen. I know that it doesn’t help anyone involved if you eviscerate him on the stand and tell the world about all the things he’s done. After all…” She looks at me up and down again. “It’s just a business transaction, right?”

I know what those words imply, and it almost makes me see red, so I take a deep breath and just bite my tongue. “That’s right,” I finally tell her. “Just business.”

“Then we are all on the same page. I think it’s just good to make sure things don’t get blown out of proportion,” she says. “And I also know that Dad would really appreciate it. That could go a long way for Andries. And you do care about him, right?” Again, it’s hard not to grind my teeth about what she says. Like she is accusing me of feelings that I don’t have or making it seem like I don’t care for him as much as I do.

“I’ll see you later, Elise,” I say. “Feel free to keep tabs on what happens during the trial.” Without another word I stand up and walk out of the coffee shop, leaving her with her stupid mouth hanging open. God, as much as I love Andries, his sister is going to be a real handful to deal with if we ever get married.

The trial, at least the portion I am to attend, is set to begin in an hour, and I have to mull over what Elise has said. She is right in the fact there is no need for me to completely destroy Karl’s life. After all, he simply made a request, and I fulfilled it. What Patricia went through is something that was out of my control, and she has admitted herself that she broke the rules I had set. I’ll be as impartial as I can, but to avoid further trouble with Sebastian, I won’t go to the point of destroying his best employee by revealing things that aren't relevant to the case.

Giving my deposition is actually quite easy. The prosecutor tries very hard to get me to say things that aren’t a hundred percent true. Leading me with questions is obviously the best way to get Karl to pay for what he has done, but I stand my ground firmly and simply state the facts. Like Elise has said, there is no need to embellish even though I’m furious with Karl for what he did by taking advantage of the situation.

Now it is down to between him and Patricia, and my agency is simply the provider for what has occurred, which is completely legal. Two adults can hash things out in court if they wanted to. For my part, I’m done with everything and want to move on from the situation. My testimony definitely wouldn’t support Karl, but it certainly doesn’t acquit him either. That is up to his lawyers to figure out if they can.

Walking out of the courtroom, I’m thankful that I’m free from my side of things and I can now focus solely on selling my business. The fact it is thanks to Andries’ grandmother that I’m finally selling it is like the icing on the cake. His mom might hate me, but her family office will actually have a minority stake of my business thanks to their own shares of Beate Uhse AG. How ironic. In a few days, the deal will be signed, and Andries and I will finally live our lives like we please.

My iPhone rings in my hand and as I turn it face up, I notice it’s a text message from my sister:How did it go? Are you on the way?

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