Page 106 of Andries.

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While Dad continues on the phone, my eyes keep appreciating the view that stands before me. The city is gorgeous after all, but I’ve got to admit, the view is more impressive from Roxanne’s penthouse. As I come to think of it, once she sells the agency we will finally settle into life together and I might even be living there permanently.

What does the future hold for me? I have no idea, but I do know that she’s a part of it and something that I need to pursue. Dad pauses as he hangs up the phone and turns around, looking at me. “You can sit down, you know.” I remain standing in front of the window, ignoring his nasty tone. “Although if you’re enjoying the view that’s fine.” Silence settles between the two of us for a moment, until he finally adds, “It could be yours one day.”

I can’t help but frown at his comment. Well, that is an odd way to start a conversation. “What do you mean?” I ask, my gaze turning to him. “I thought we were here to talk about you cutting me off.”

“We are.” He steeples his hands, leaning back on his chair as he considers me. “But we’re also here to talk about your future. After all, you’re my son and you’re a smart man.” He pauses for a beat, heaving a sigh. “Smart enough to know that the future with an ex-hooker isn’t the way to go. You know that, right?”

Despite his harsh language, I remain calm and unmoved, letting myself just to take a deep breath in and out. “Don’t talk about Roxanne like that,” I tell him, keeping my tone even. After all, I didn’t come here to have yet another fight with him, but to build a bridge between us. So turning to face him, I say, “I love her, Dad. You’re going to have to get used to that.” Idecide to hold off on telling him that I’m going to propose her. After all, it’s none of his business to know what I have in mind. “She’s done what she had to do in order to make ends meet and survive.”

Dad chuckles, head shaking in amusement. “I can’t believe this….” Suddenly, he leaps off of his chair and paces in my direction, carrying a pensive expression on his face. “You’re seriously standing here telling me you’re in love with a woman who got Karl in trouble and has almost brought down the reputation of our company?” he asks, mere inches from my face. “We’ve been dragged through the mud thanks to her.”

“Actually, that was thanks to your perverted employee.” It’s a legitimate shot, and his eyes narrow. “He’s the one that sexually assaulted a young woman while she was drunk.”

“The case isn’t over. We’ll see when the verdict comes.”

I know it’s pointless arguing about the case with him. He must be the one financing that media campaign on Karl’s behalf. His opinion isn’t going to change any time soon, so I refocus myself and continue, “Like I said before, I love Roxanne and she’s going to be part of my life whether you like it or not.”

Dad doesn’t say anything in return. Instead, his attention goes to the view, and with a stoic expression plastered on his face, he remains observing it in silence for a moment.

“I had a meeting with the board yesterday,” he announces out of the blue, disregarding my statement. Typical. “I’ll need to step down in about ten years.” The revelation surprises me to the point of being stunned. “As my son, this company is your legacy. And it’s only natural that you are the one that takes over.” There’s the trace of a smile gracing his lips, his eyes even hold a glint of pride, but I’ve got no idea why. “I’ve spent decades expanding the company and I know you’ll be more than ready to take over when the time comes.”

There’s never been any indication before that he wanted me to take over. Sure, he’s always wanted for Elise and I to go to business school, but taking his place? That’s a whole different story!

“What about Elise?” I ask immediately.

“Elise is a smart woman, but she’s not the face of this company. I’ll give her some other chief role once she’s ready. But you’re the legacy we need.”

Legacy. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard him refer to me in that way. Like an actual son rather than an afterthought. “So, you’re offering me…becoming the next CEO?” he turns to me, and his smile gets broader. Like the shark who suddenly sees a treat dangling in front of him. He’s already got it all planned out, I know that.

“You can join the team, be an intern, and we’ll work together until you’re ready. Just imagine me being your mentor.” He puts his hands on my shoulders, trying to make me feel the same excitement as he feels. “Plus some of the best minds around helping you out. Then I retire officially, and you take over.” Since I remain completely silent and expressionless, Dad continues his pitch. “And I don’t have to tell you that you’ll never have to worry about money again. This company is very profitable and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.”

I know this sounds like the dream for so many people, but doing such a deal with my dad feels like selling my soul to the devil. “And what do you want in exchange? You want me to break up with Roxanne? Kiss your feet?”

He laughed at the last part, but his answer actually surprises me to the point I almost get startled. “Nothing, son. This comes with no strings attached.” I can’t help but not believe him, and I think he knows that. “You can even stay in your relationship with that woman.” What? I freeze, totally baffled athis statement. I search his eyes for any hint of malice or that he is trying to pull a fast one. But I can’t see any of it.

“Are you serious? You’d even accept Roxanne as my girlfriend?”

He nods once. There has to be some kind of motive for this, and it’s hard to figure out what it might be.

“Think about it; unlimited resources and wealth. You at the helm of something your great-great-grandfather started and Roxanne by your side. Wouldn’t it be a great life path?” he asks, turning back to the window.

I know exactly what that means though—being his new puppet and renounce once and for all to my dream of becoming a published poet. The money would be great, yes, but what good is money if you can’t follow your passion? Being CEO isn’t the job for me. And he needs to know that. So it’s a pretty easy decision to make, really.

“Dad. It’s very hard to tell you this, but this whole thing, this legacy… it isn’t what I want. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. I need to break free from it, not to dive in and become a part of it.” It takes quite the effort to be so blunt and direct with him, but satisfaction and relief flows right through me afterwards.

“Break free from it?” His expression turns cloudy, and he sounds beyond offended. “You want to break free from what has provided you with every opportunity and resource you could possibly ever want?” He shakes his head in displeasure. “You’re crazy. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and you’re throwing it all back in my face? Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position?”

“Crazy?” Now I’m the one being offended. “Crazy for not wanting your life? Imagine that, the entire legacy that’s turned you into a bitter, old man who can’t accept his son has got other aspirations.” I can see that one hits a nerve, especially when hisexpression darkens even more. “I don’t know how to be clearer about this, but I don’t want your life, I want to follow my own path.” His eyes narrow and I can see how hard he’s trying to keep his composure.

“Fine,” he says curtly. “If you want so badly to go your own way then I guess you can do it without me. And without my money.” His tone has become arrogant and his lips twist into a smirk that irks the heck out of me. “Which means…”

“I already know what it means,” I say, cutting him off. “You aren’t giving me my allowance back, right? That’s fine,” I lie, but I’m just too vexed to convince him otherwise. “I’ll figure it out.”

When I’m about to walk past him, he reaches out and holds my arm with a tight grip.

“You really want a sad, pathetic life, don’t you?” he asks with venom in his voice. “It’s absolutely astounding. I think that woman has really messed with your head. When you get it together and start making the right decisions, you can come back anytime.” He finally lets off of me and leaves my side, returning to his desk. “Until then, don’t bother asking me for anything again.” I’m stunned into silence as I watch him sitting back on his chair with a cold, stern expression. “Maybe your girlfriend can start to give you an allowance, huh?” he spits as he picks a few papers up which sit in front of him and starts focusing on them. “After all, she’s used to people paying her for this type of arrangements, so it’ll just be her doing the same.”

His words hit me like a slap in the face. He doesn’t care about me, and his statement about being okay with Roxanne was obviously just a farce to get his way.

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