Page 104 of Andries.

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There, I start changing back into my casual clothes until Dan comes in moments later.

“Hey, bud. Are you okay?” Dan asks, sounding more worried than earlier.

I nod a reply because I’m not sure how I’ll sound if I say something.

“Okay, maybe fencing wasn’t a good idea.” He pauses for a moment, sits beside me and starts taking off his gear too. Once we are both ready to leave, he stands before me and asks, “Why don’t we go get something to eat?”

I like the idea better. “Alright,” I mutter pensively as we make our way out. I can tell he’s worried, especially given the fact I didn’t tell him what happened.

We walk to a restaurant not too far from the gym studio and sit at one of the tables near the big floor-to-ceiling window. After ordering, I remain just as quiet, so Dan starts rambling on about something, but I’m not sure what it is because I can’t bring myself to pay attention.

Once our meal comes in, I start picking at the mashed potatoes with my fork, waiting for my appetite to return. Danon the other side has already attacked his poor chicken like he hasn’t seen food in days. I only realize how hungry I’m after I finally dig a bite into my mouth. The steak is tender and juicy and my stomach growls in thanks. Dan and I don’t say anything to each other as we eat, but his company is comforting on its own.

When the waitress comes back to take our empty plates, Dan orders a crème brûlée while I just lean back, feeling full but also much better than when I came in.

“There’s something I have to tell you,” I announce.

Dan looks at me, his brows rising in surprise, and he leans forward, resting his forearms on the table. “Finally!” he blurts out in a snort. “So, what happened?”

I heave a long sigh, getting myself ready, before I finally blurt out, “I’ve been disowned by my parents.”

“Holy shit,” he exclaims, his eyes widening in shock and his mouth hangs open for an instant. “Is this for real?”

“Yeah, unfortunately,” I say, leaning forward again so we are closer. “Elise told my parents that Roxanne and I are back together, so they’re cutting me out completely.”

“Fuck! That’s so disgusting!” A gush of air rolls off his lips as he processes the news. “Have you spoken to your dad about all of this?” he inquires, and I can see the anger and disgust laced in his eyes.

“No, I didn’t,” I tell him. “But I’m pretty sure it was his idea and Mom’s just supporting him. What an asshole….”

“Fuck. So now you are on your own?” The waitress comes over to give Dan his dessert so I keep quiet until she leaves our table.

“Yes, completely,” I sigh.

Dan turns to his crème brûlée, taking a spoon full of it, and putting it into his mouth with an agreeable moan, which I pretend not to hear.

“Can I ask you something?” he continues, looking at me with a more serious expression than before. “How long would your savings last you?”

I pause, pondering his question for a moment. “If we only count what I have in the bank, I’d say three to four years without adjusting my lifestyle,” I answer truthfully. “But once I finish college, I don’t see where I’ll be able to make the same amount as the allowance I was receiving. At least not an entry-level job from an English degree.”

“Oh, forget it,” Dan blurts out. “There’s no job out there that is gonna pay you that well.” I nod, knowing this all too well. “Have you spoken about this to anyone else?”

“Not yet,” I tell him. Then as I think something through, I turn toward him and say, “Dan, I need you to do me a favor.” His attention shifts from the dessert to me. “I want you to try and convince Elise to keep her mouth shut about me being in the English program. She wants to tell our parents I’m not doing business school.”

He shoots me an arched eyebrow. “Does it make any difference at this point?”

“They are already disappointed enough in my life’s choices, let’s not make it worse.”

“Alright, I’ll call her after dinner,” he says in a reassuring manner.

“Thanks.” I give him a quick pat on the arm.

“What are you going to do now? Are you going to speak to your dad to see if he can stop this madness?”

Speaking to my dad is like the last thing I want to do, but unfortunately, if I want to get my allowance back I've got the feeling it’s the only solution.

“I’m going to have to,” I reply, while Dan is shoveling yet another spoon full of crème brûlée into his mouth.

On my way home, I notice I’ve a missed call from Roxanne. When I call her back, we catch up about my fight with Elise, and I tell her about my meeting with Dan. I leave out the parts about the fencing class from earlier today, not wanting to dwell on it any longer.

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