Page 2 of Always Him

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He runs his free hand over his mouth, his fingers digging into my hip. “No.”

“Good. Then we’ll do it.”

For some reason, I didn’t want him to turn me down. It would hurt my feelings a little bit. I mean, we do almost everything else, what’s one itty bitty kiss between friends?

He’s silent for a long minute. The sound of the wind moving through the trees is the only thing I can hear, and then suddenly he whispers, “How many more minutes till midnight?”

I click my phone on. “Seconds,” I say softly.

His hand tightens on me, and I keep my eyes on the phone, excited for the year to come. For what could be.

When the ticker reaches ten, I start counting down, and when I get to one, our heads turn. His lips are just centimeters from mine, and I feel his soft exhale on my skin.

Without a second thought, I close the distance, leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. They’re smooth and warm, and like everything else having to do with Finn, so comforting.

At the touch of our mouths, Finn’s body stiffens, his tense hand locking me in place, holding me against him.

After a few moments, we pull away and stare at each other. Energy crackles between us and I let out a shaky breath.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I murmur, my words nearly floating away with the breeze.

His tongue darts out and swipes at his lips, his hand still clenched on my waist.

“No,” he breathes.

Huh, is he okay? He seems nervous. Maybe he hated it—kissing another dude. Kissingme. But he’d never tell me, not wanting to hurt my feelings.

Don’t hurt my feelings, Finn.

“You sure? You don’t look like it was okay,” I ask, reaching out and running my hand across the line of his jaw.

“It was fine,” he says and then faces forward again, pulling me even further into him. I’m so close that I’m nearly on top of his lap at this point.

“I mean, it had to be better thanfine, right?” I huff out a laugh. “I’ve been told I have a way with my mouth.”

He digs his fingers into my side and I chuckle.

“You’re such a smart ass,” he mutters.

“You love my ass,” I reply, and Finn pinches my side lightly.

“Shut up.”

“You said it in your sleep one night,” I say, laughing. “It’s forever burned into my brain. I can’t forget that shit.”

He grumbles a little under his breath and I lean into him, my lips brushing his stubbly jaw.

“You dream about it. You dream about me. Admit it.” I love teasing him. It’s just about my favorite thing, getting him all riled.

He shifts and then I’m suddenly on my back, Finn’s large body on top of mine. He cradles the back of my head with both hands, so I don’t knock it against the hood as he stares down at me.

“I told you already,” he says gruffly, his heavy leg pinning mine down. “Dreams don’t mean anything. They’re just dreams. Nonsensical nonsense.”

I smile widely at him and run my hands up his arms. “That’s okay, boo. I know I’m irresistible.”

I can’t see his eyes clearly, but I know he’s rolling them.

He always says I’m too ridiculous. Yes, well, so is he. Dreaming about my ass and then pretending like he didn’t.
