Page 7 of Lex

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Nope, I can’t eat him because the delectable strawberry shortcake standing before me is Brenda’s motherfucking grandson.

He’s the asshole who cast her away and only texts when it’s convenient for him.

Still, she shows him off devotedly and speaks so highly of him. Not that he deserves it.

Our eyes meet and I sigh.

“Shame,” I mutter, pushing to a stand. He’s about the same height as me, just over six feet, and I can look directly into his eyes.

Well fuck, he’s even better-looking in person. He looks a little older than me and his hair is a gorgeous auburn that literally shines in the light. His jaw is strong and cleanly shaven, and his nose isn’t even bent, but there are freckles there. Gah, those innocent freckles and big blue eyes. He’s perfect. Like a pretty painting.

“You must be Mr. Walker.”

He gives me a clipped nod and hell, he doesn’t recognize me, even though I’m sure Brenda has mentioned me. I mean, I know she has, I’ve overheard the conversations. But Brenda doesn’t know how to send pictures on her phone, so the few selfies I have with her are just sitting there.

William Walker has no idea who I am.

But I sure as fuck know who he is, and that is the reason I refuse to shake his hand. Not that he’s offering. His cheeks are flushed slightly as he moves around to his wide, overly ornate desk and sits down in his leather chair. Then he folds his hands over his torso and meets my gaze.

“You must be the man we hired to set up the computers.”

“I am.”

“I’m on a deadline.”

“Oh, you don’t say?” I drawl with a roll of my eyes. “Well, same, Mr. Walker. But know this, I usually book over a month out. So, thank your lucky stars I squeezed you in.”

His eyes flick down my body and then settle squarely on my eyes once more.

“What do you need from me?” he asks, and I pull my lip ring into my mouth, pondering that. Oh, let me see. I’d like very much for you to leave. Not the room but the state. To just disappear into thin air. I don’t like competition and I don’t want Brenda splitting her time between us. I am very territorial.

I did not just find my person to have her ripped away.

I flick my tongue out and play with the barbell between my lips.

His blue eyes track the movement, and I notice his hands clasp tighter, his knuckles whitening.

Oh, he’s a hard one to figure out. Like a puzzle.

Well, let me tell you, I hate puzzles. All those tiny pieces trying to be stuffed into places they don’t belong. The worst part is, I always find myself spending hours on them despite how much I hate them. It’s a bit of an unhealthy obsession. I can’t walk away until the damn thing is all put together.

Do not even get me started on missing pieces. They make me want to overturn tables and burn down buildings.


“I just need you to stay out of my way,” I say, wanting him to go back to fucking Florida and leave Brenda alone.

He eyes me for a long moment and then gives me another clipped nod.

He turns his gaze toward his computer, not realizing that nothing is connected yet and he can’t even turn it on. This man is technologically inept. Maybe that’s where Brenda gets it from. I wonder if this guy uses his iPad as a drink coaster like she does.

“If you would be so kind as to give me some space, I can work a lot faster. That way you can meet your hypothetical important deadlines your assistant hinted at.”

My snark isn’t lost on him, and he clears his throat. “I apologize if Jason was rude. We’ve been…busy.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” I say, turning my back to him and squatting down, grabbing the equipment I need out of my bag. “Everyone has emergencies, but you have to remember that an emergency on your part does not constitute one on mine.”

I look over my shoulder at him, and he nods, unclenching his hands and allowing the blood to flow once more to his fingers. But then it seems to travel up to the tips of his ears because they’re suddenly bright red.
